Hello, I really like your enthusiasm, but as much as we think out of the box, we must endeavor to execute inside the box,
I will start from the last paragraph of your interesting post.
You are correct, my model is like an e-APC, there is nothing sexy about it, nor anything excitingly novel about it. But you must know that there is a reason Traditional political models work, and that is because It is PRAGMATIC. Common sense is usually boring, and not exciting, and pragmatic, which is why my model will work, if we happen to come across a father Christmas Fund provider.
Secondly, I have had this same idea of yours since June 2013 as can be seen here (Chat records), which is basically to create a Political Party primarily based online to mobilize supporters and achieve effective communication and spread within the shortest time possible.
I have been in partisan politics for a while now (Former AC member, then APC), and I am equally disillusioned with the political system as much as the average Nigerian youth, much more so because I happened to be where all the actions were taking place.
The above among other reasons is why I believe this Online Party Idea will not work, because you will need humongous amounts of money to fund its development. Where do you get the funds?..I dont see you getting developers who will go all out to develop this full time, free of charge, at least Not Nigerian developers, this is why you have not seen a single developer volunteer till date to be part of this your online party thing. The same reason why a developer will not want to join this thing is the same reason why you will not get moneybags to fund its development.
But assuming you get a Money bag, there are two basic demographics you must target. 1. Nigerians who are online, and or Nigerians who listen to the Radio.
Our model primarily targets Nigerians who are online, for practical reasons of pervasiveness, they will now recruit offline Nigerians who are radio freak, via viral word of mouth modes. The multiplier effect is what you are counting on to make this thing work well at the grassroots.
Also be clear about your motives, and agendas, and I daresay it is too early in the day to ask that people DM, issues should be raised here and trashed out in the best democratic models, before you start qualifying people, except you want to create secret PACs like I did in 2013 via googleplus (diam in re publica) I also had a list of stringent qualifications etc, needless to say, very very very few people ever qualified, so you might want to be careful about your screening criteria.
I guess I am talking too much, let me stop here for now.