Social (Media) Democratic Party

I’m definitely in support of this.

At the very minimum, if someone with a bias for action leads, this could possibly be very interesting.

Don’t want to be a spoiler but 2,000 likes don’t make a vote.

However, this sort of movement/association/party will reasonate with a lot of young people (especially armchair internet political experts - like myself) but real action is what this needs.

Abi OP, what’s your next move?


OP has a bias for sharing thought starters and following up with background action…

Sir, what is a like?

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Ahh, your ‘social media’ credentials are in doubt!! Like as used in social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Radar to denote positive emotion/agreement.

[anybody notice how I included Radar up there with those guys?]

  1. A technical team will be needed.
  2. Diverse people from different backgrounds will be best involved.
  3. It’ll be best to run with distributed powers. That will be hard, but the better it seems like open-source, the better and totally non-profit.
  4. It can’t be called SMDP, and expected to be taken seriously. I thought of “New leaf Congress” at the time this was one of top idea in my head.
  5. It will be best if it runs like a community and not a Cabal.
  6. Resources not just money. But expertise too, that can volunteer services. However it runs, transparency must be :100:. If possible, budgeting should be totally public.

I actually have a place for this particular project in my notebook. I am just involved in this and that, right now. Hopefully, by end of the month, I believe I can think properly and participate.

But yes, I really think it can work.


Noted :+1:

Please hand that device back to the owner.

So, what do we do next? How do we started. @Ogunleye_Damilare maybe you should draw up a tasksheet and let’s start getting things done.

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This flurry of excitement reminds me of Feyi Fawehinmi’s excellent essay on Nigeria’s demons.

Excerpt below:

In Nigeria, there are demons. These demons can be sleeping for years but when they hear Nigeria has come up with a new policy, they spring into action and get really excited at the prospect of derailing the policy.
Why are these demons in Nigeria truncating policies but not in America? Well, I don’t know. But if you recall Rita from the Koko Mansion about 7 years ago — she addressed this point in a very profound way

We Nigerians, majority of us, we do demons

Cicero could not have put it better.

Think about it — Nigeria has had so many well-intentioned policies in the past only for them to end up as terrible disappointments. Why? Demons.

I’ll advise anyone that is genuinely interested to send a DM to OP, and indicate their interest in being part of the offline campaign.


To make this work.

  1. Transparency: Party Exco, Leaders, Structure and Team must reflect best choice and be the best people for each area( Square pegs in Square holes etc), Budget and Money raised should be communicated to everyone, how money is spent on a weekly basis and tracking performance of party vision and Roadmap, issue and reconcilliation, Donations, Campaigns to be done, Election should be Electronic etc.

  2. People: The Best and Brightest, once you join you pick an area based on your expertise, you are on probation and become a full fledged carrying member when you achieve duties set out by your team lead and things you can do to be Team Lead and Excos, Excos are only in positions for 1-2 years and are voted in based on track record and performance.

  3. Manifesto: Manifesto must be resonate with the ideals of people who join, sorry to say this but the Party will have the right to remove those who dont believe in the manifesto by their actions, only those who have shown zeal in manifesto not Money will be allowed to hold office.

  4. Money: Crowdsourced Raising, Merchandizing of Party products , Donations( To be published), Partnerships( To be Published), Party Member dues,Reports, Sponsorships.

  5. Organization: Local team via Street, Council and Units, State Teams via Zones and Areas and Regions and National via Territories, Groups and State Teams.

Each unit will have Emergency Rooms for planning, logistics and communication.

Im fully interested as i have ran Presidential, State Government Elections and can contribute in Strategy, Communication and Structure/Policies.


Am really excited about the opportunity this brings. OP a structure needs to be outlined. Step’s to be taken off my head.

  1. Collection of interested members.
  2. Physical meetup to brainstorm on party structure, rules, communication tool, guiding principles, manifesto, reporting and engagement among other things.
    Once an objective can be started clearly in black and white and published to the general public. Then interested candidates separate from the core team can be vetted.

One of the few things that most of us can agree makes sense. There are many of us that can never settle with any of the existing political parties, but have real passive interest in contributing. I have fears though. I’ve seen otherwise brilliant people simple “change”, and while I respect our individual intelligence, I’m not sure about our collective intelligence. We seem to throw common sense out of the window when we’re in a crowd.

For example, somebody someday will bring up freaking zoning, and when it’s time to vote on the concept, it will be voted in successfully, although, individually, we all know it’s a crap load… Things like that will just make me apathetic very quickly. If the crowd foolishness can somehow be averted by making sure the party philosophy is fundamentally anti-crap, and the different teams are led by the most inspiring, debate-hungry, transparency-loving and data-driven people, then sign me up and charge my debit card every month for party dues.


Get this running…

We’ve got young bloods that will make this work…

Just needs tweaking before we get it fully right…

What are the next steps? Who’s starting this? When?

Brilliant idea. Just wondering how easy it will be for the party to throw out tribalism, religion and zoning.


If people of all tribe and creed can rally around football teams in Nigeria, why does politics end up being about tribes and creed? Why not make this like TPL or Socialiga. Do they ask for tribe in those things? I think the best way to make an idea like this succeed is to remove the concept of regional benefit from the table but collective benefit. I am from Edo state, I have not lived in Edo state for more than a month since 2007. That is nine years ago. If I had to advocate for any benefit for an area, it had to be my area of Lekki where I lived or Oniru where my office is located.

The whole concept of statehood or municipal origin in Nigeria is flawed. It should not be determined by genetics but by location and contribution to the community. A lot of us were born outside the past homes of our grandparents. Migration has always been a fact. The minute we are able to track these things and provide data, then our problems will begin to be solved. Current politics is about emotions over genetics and xenophobia. Future politics should be about contribution and ownership.


This is a great idea.
It will not be a failure (if your definition of success is right) & in perspective)because it will make an impact.
@alpontif have it right in the steps and approach, the KYC approach is a critical part to decision making- build a voting system. 100k verified members is better than 1m unverified members.

Don’t under estimate the hunger for change in the land just because @APC is a failure, a solid platform like this If well executed, will shape and mode public opinion and drive change in ways you can not foresee now. Certainly better than current inactive twitter & Facebook rants.

I was involved with Transform Nigeria Movement from the start, I know why it’s inactive now, what it lacked and the impact it made. This will work.

With a complete properitory platform with voting & engagement tools, your offline impact will be immense.

Note that what success means, should be well defined from the start, certainly not about winning elections at least not at the start.

You are not a one issue group/movement/party, but you pick and fight one issue at a time.

I will drop one offline action that will be driven online:
Project: Stop police exploitation of road users.
How: Equip 20 people in each state with dash cams to film these crimes. You are ready with your lawyers.
Step1: Amplify online, generating massive outcry.
Step2: Go for the head of the police IG & Minister.
Step3 : Keep on it until there is change.
Street creed established. Maintain integrity and transparency. Don’t wear the cloths of those you want to change. Move to another issue. Be the CHANGE AGENT and grow from there.


This seems like a good idea. Just a quick point I would like to add:

It seems the overwhelming majority of the feedback is that this should start off as a ‘pressure group/movement’ (ostensibly as the ‘MVP’) focused on tackling specific issues one by one, and galvanising support around these issues. With the end goal that the group might eventually end up as a political party.

If that is correct, then you need to be aware that changing the electoral laws will be key to ensuring that this ‘pressure group’ births the kind of political party you are all envisaging - no zoning, no statehood concept etc.

The law on creating political parties in Nigeria is pretty clear, and those things are included in it unfortunately. (the Federal Character principle is contained in the 1999 constitution)

Maybe one of the first issues which the ‘social (media) democratic movement’ will address is our flawed election laws on party registration, candidate eligibility, and campaign financing.

This article gives a very high level overview of how to register a political party in Nigeria . Some of the requirements include: presence in at least 24 states (that includes offices and state exco), draft constitution of the party must reflect federal character principle etc.

Like I said earlier this is a really good idea, my suggestion is OP puts together an online form for people to complete with their expression of interest. Then move conversation somewhere else (Slack maybe?) and then everyone involved starts planning on how to execute this. From the comments above it seems a lot of people would be interested in getting involved.

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There might already be one -

Thanks. I’m sure there is always room for collaboration.

No, there is none existing. exodus is not a political party.

Wow. To think that this was an idea I had contemplated for a few months (>1yr) but considered sharing to the public after I completed NARCOS season 2. Despite his many evils, I am still impressed by the Pablo Escobar character.

*Snaps. Back to Nigeria.

A few things have happened since I shared this update. I am currently in conversations with a few people who have expressed interest in being part of this thought. If you would like to be a part of, please kindly drop me a DM. (I consider the effort of a few clicks to send me a DM as a first sieve of your intention)

I didn’t have a preformed model when I shared this post so kindly note that I (and maybe a few more people) would likely do a bit of back-check on your profile to see if and how you best fit into the building blocks being laid. In the end, whatever it morphs into, promises to be open source and non-discriminatory. However, we are currently building structures ground up to ensure that this house we all seemingly believe in doesn’t collapse at the first sign of wind. (Is there a saying like that? :thinking:. Nvm). So please kindly consider this as a recruitment process. I also recognize it is a two-way assessment, so here is my LinkedIn profile for you to assess if you can work with me ( and a couple of other people (a lot of them actually).

Oh by the way, I agree with many of the reasons why it could work and why it could also be a massive failure. Please keep your thoughts coming. I have particularly found @alpontif’s model interesting. Although I worry that it is more like an e-APC or e-PDP and not excitingly novel in it’s approach. Unless I misunderstood your model.