The amount of money that startups and established companies pay for office spaces is too exorbitant, imagine paying over 3 million Naira as annual rent. It’s that bad that hutbay had a seminar on sharing office spaces about two weeks ago, my uncle is starting up a new consultancy firm, but was over-taken by being asked to pay 3.5 Million-ish for an office space in Lekki he was so bitter. so my question is, do you think that sharing office spaces with fellow startup/companies will work here in Lagos, are their any legal requirements that has to be met. Air your views ladies n gents.
@uchdollar there has already been a thread on coworking and finding office space. If your uncle is starting a consulting business with a small team, I’m sure he could kick off in any one of them around Lagos that is convenient for him.
Check out the thread here: Alternatives to ccHub/iDea on Lagos Mainland?
Thanks @yoowai, I’ll check that out right away
I’ve checked out the thread, nice. But do you think that people can agree to share their personal offices with others?
That would depend on the person who originally rented the space. And on the nature of the businesses that would be interested in sharing the space.
just found this online. hopefully it’s helpful.
@sanjubhambhani Thanks for that link. I am enjoying Capital Square but I am deeply searching for an alternative.