As a developer, what's your most preferred payment gateway in Nigeria?

Hello guys, I am currently working on a project that required a secure payment system.

I need you guys to suggest to me which payment gateway is reliable that you have used before and why you feel its the best.

Waiting for your feedback…Thanks.

In a blatant disregard of the reprimand for self-plugging, I’ll just go ahead and say “Hi, have you tried Paystack?”


We have that huge problem in Nigerian ecommerce. The most popular option is WebPay but it is expensive and inflexible. I will definitely try out PayStack sha, never heard from it before now


Interswitch’s Webpay was pretty much the only one (i.e. every other one relied on Webpay’s interface somewhere down the payment process) until recently… well, besides Unified Payments’ ridiculously ugly one which no one uses by the way.

And that is why I am rooting for Paystack. Skimmed through the documentation and I like what I saw

Paystack is good. I heard about them some months back but they seemed not to be responding when I applied for an early access.

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Does anybody have the phone or email contact of these paystack guys? The contact us on the site link isn’t working.
I would love to speak with them about the service because it look good even though it looks very open.

Yo @Uduak, I can answer any questions you might have. The contact us link is a mailto: link which should just launch your default mail yada yada but whatever, you can talk to me or send me a PM.

@kamparia Sorry we haven’t gotten back to you since you applied for early access. We are still very much in private beta right now and are letting people in sloooowly on a weekly basis, so don’t fret - you were not ignored. As a matter of fact, we are excited at the show of interest and are hard at work to roll out a public beta soonest.

@xolubi can you just help roll me in this week. I kind of need it urgently. Thanks

Please DM me your email address (the one you signed up with), let’s talk.

I like CashEnvoy, it’s quite straightforward to use, and they support Verve, MasterCard, and Visa.


Has anyone tried using NIBSS,think they are okay even Diamond and GTBank use their service

In an related post on Radar, I asked Which Nigerian online payment startup wins your Love?

My Top 5 are myPaga, VoguePay, CashEnvoy, LHPay, Paystack and StaplePay. When you consider customer numbers and transaction numbers as major metrics to make decision, easily it falls on myPaga and VoguePay as winners.

However, since this post is actually for developer integration, here is where I cast my vote…for now [based on a Twitter conversation]

@Engrtitus @kehers those are the top 3 for devs. Any challenge integrating with @voguepay ? They av simple documentation policy

— SpokenTwice (@spokentwice) November 22, 2015

@xolubi this paystack gues may just be the new stripe, nice interface.

I’ve seen/used Paystack. Best solution out there. Can’t wait for them to be fully available.


It’s Paystack for President, yo!

Paystack for me, Paystack for you, Paystack for everybody…


:sweat_smile: @xolubi hype has already started…

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And the hard work has only just begun. :sweat:

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@xolubi I was referred by a friend (DIYL) to paystack and we tried to gain early access for our platform but no response… I had to settle on remita eventually, cos its also free. I’d appreciate access still though for our card acceptance. Been on interswitch’s case and they are acting all high & mighty.
