Women Techies?

If you girls do organize one let me know! Andela is out to support women in tech. It just makes sense…


Well I was thinking of it, but I never like to duplicate efforts. That is why I was asking first :blush:

Well, it looks like the coast is clear. No, the coast is begging for someone to retake the initiative :smile:


Thank you for the replies, there seems to be a lot of interest in a women tech group. I recently did a women series on twitter called #NaijaWomen100 and I did a day dedicated to women in tech. I was actually overwhelmed with how many women were leaders in technology and found it hard to only pick 10. I think one of the issues is that we are in the sector but we do not connect as often. Secondly we do not share women stories enough in the tech industry. I think a women’s group can start this process.

I would like to organize a a group, possibly we can start on FB to start to learn about each other and then move to an actual physical meeting soon.

I do know She Leads Africa had a techie meeting for women but I am not sure what was the criteria to get an invite.

Please reply here if you wanted to be added to the group or want to help in the formation of the group.


Would love to be added to the group! About She Leads Africa, I also wondered what the criteria was…

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Not a woman but would love to help and support. Also would love to have Andela women involved as well!!

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Up for helping in formation. Actually anything else I can do to help, I’m in.

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I thought you were in DC. I’m in DC.

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female dev here. I’m in London


Definitely interested in this. :smiley:


I’d love to be added to the group

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lol you are? Yes I am but will be in Lagos soon and the first thing I do when I go to new city is find a group of like minded women : )

Will keep you in the loop, maybe you guys can help us host our first meetup? :smile:


I am interested.

There is someone doing something similar @cofoundher (social username). The event organized by She leads Africa was focused around people using in media, they worked with an agency and they recommended a niche (popular)

Can you clarify what you mean by niche? Also send me your name on FB I will add you the group.

Hi. So I wouldn’t call myself a techie, but I’d love to connect with other women who are doing cool things. And CapitalSquare would gladly host a meetup whenever you’re ready :grinning:


Hey, I want to be part of the group but I don’t have facebook. Is there another way?

The She Leads Africa/ Facebook event was for women in New Media.

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@ChikaUwazie is in the process of mobilizing one now. We would keep you posted

We would love to. We have an open field space on our rooftop thats roughly 200 sqm. Can take up to 150 people comfortably…

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