Who has an Electronic Medical/Health Record Software/Solution (EMR) in Nigeria

you might also want to take a look at http://www.apmis.ng/ if you want a comprehensive solution with built-in payment.

No one asked me, but curacel.co looks very much like hospitalrun.io, down to the demo. How sway? Could have at least changed the font type.

HospitalRun is open source so ā€˜copyingā€™ might not be completely unethical, but I believe some attribution/credit is in order if youā€™ve taken someoneā€™s source code and used it to make money. I really hope Hospital Run gave some sort of verbal/written permission to this Curacel venture, but even thenā€¦


What do I know anyway, some people are smiling to the bank and Iā€™m here on Radar, fighting for ā€˜ethicsā€™.

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OMG. Itā€™s true. The guys just took the open source solution and branded as theirs. :pensive:

Leading EHR platform in Nigeria is https://onemedical.ng/

Online, Offline (syncs with cloud once internet returns), and On-premise solutions provided. Let me know if you need me to connect you to the folks behind it :slight_smile:

Not copied illegally.

Our MVP was based on hospitalrun.io

And we worked with the hospital run team.

Hospital run is a single client application.

The curacel team had to build another backend application to make it multitenant.

Thank you so much Aixen for keeping the moral high :slight_smile:
We are good Nigerians too :slight_smile:

Curacel is currently free for clinics in Nigeria, we provide them with tablets, internet connection and SMS bundles as well.

We are passionate about making impact using technology, and one of the ways to deliver low-cost solutions is to keep product development at low cost as well and focus energy on helping, educating and supporting these clinics to improve patient outcomes using the technology available out there.

While EHRs, or electronic medical records, are very adopted in other parts of the world. 95% of medical centers in sub-Saharan Africa still rely on paper-based records.This is
inefficient, costly and impacts the quality of care.
Poor adoption of existing EMRs is as a result of its complexity, and high cost of installation.

Curacel provides an easy to use, web and mobile based EMR and practice management system.

It helps clinics

  1. Spend less time doing administrative work and see more patients
  2. Declutter their office. Save staff hours of filling out paperwork and tracking down information
  3. See more patients and make more money
  4. With improved aggregation of information doctors make better decisions

Curacel is the only offline-first cloud EMR to help Nigerian hospitals increase efficiency and revenue.

See a demo at https://curacelhealth.com

Curacel provides an easy to use, web and mobile based EMR and practice management system for clinics in Nigeria.

It helps clinics

  1. Spend less time doing administrative work and see more patients
  2. Declutter their office. Save staff hours of filling out paperwork and tracking down information
  3. See more patients and make more money
  4. With improved aggregation of information doctors make better decisions

Curacel is the only offline-first cloud EMR to help Nigerian hospitals increase efficiency and revenue.

We know the problem is not technology but the user behaviour and we focus on helping and supporting our client clinics get used to running their practice using electronic systems.

You can request Curacel for free, and get tablets, internet, support and migration of your records in one bundle.

Request for a demo
Visit: https://curacelhealth.com
Whatsapp: +971561518841

Please send me your contact details if you can assist as I need help in deploying and integrating Bahmni to my project

Greetings Bro,
Do have any experience in deploying Open EMR source code? I need some help if you are available

This is my number; call or whatsapp - 08035138451

I donā€™t have any experience with this but a full-stack dev who knows some Javascript should be able to handle it easily.

P.S. Iā€™m female.

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I think you should checkout this- (HospitalPro)
HospitalPro is an end to end cutting edge solution designed to automate all hospital operations such as Appointment, Patient registration, OPD/IPD management, Doctor management, Pharmacy, Laboratory, Billing, OT, Tele-medicine etc Cloud/On-premise solution
Demo: http://hospitalpro.lifeevergreentech.com/hospitalportal/index.php
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