Firstly, for the record, I am also neither Igbo, Hausa, nor Yoruba. I am southern minority from the Niger-Delta. In fact, I am minority even in my State, that’s how minority we are. Being from a minority group, it has never even occurred to me to be tribalistic, let’s face it, how many people will come to my aid if I punch a Hausa, igbo or Yoruba man in the face lol? We are naturally very accommodating to all, and make friends with whoever will have us.
Secondly, I do think that the OP betrays an uncomfortable level of provincial thinking with his venture. But this is no sin. And I certainly do not see anyone complain when it is a Yoruba or a Hausa focused venture.
For instance, please take a look at these threads:
I did not notice anyone being offended by the above threads, in fact, I saw a lot of encouragement and back patting. Why where they not considered tribalistic? Because they are not.
If OP, who I assume is igbo, does not do a blog about igbo people, who will? You? Me?
Bigots will always find an excuse to attack people they do not like. Look at that thread about yoruba watch faces, no Igbo or Hausa person went on that thread to insult Yorubas or Yoruba culture, and why would they? They are busy with their lives. But here we are, this chap very innocently (perhaps even naively) starts a somewhat harmless, if parochial, thread about an igbo focused product/service, and bingo, people like @manifest come crawling out of their shrines to ask how many legitimate igbo entrepreneurs are there in Nigeria. Such a shame.
Start your blog. It might be a hit, it might be a flop. Who knows. But you’ll never know if you do not try.