Today's AMA Session is with Emeka Afigbo, Program Manager of Developer Relations at Google

The AMA with Emeka, Google’s Program Manager for Developer Relations is on. Dive in!

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Emeka I will like to thank you for a job well done considering your support towards the GDG community. It has helped inspire us and our audience of technical background and the offline content initiative is just super. My question will be, how do you measure the effectiveness of the offline content? is there some sort of metric(s) you use to determine that? Lastly, jazz or hip pop…:smile: ?

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Hi Emeka, It’s long time. This is Akinniran Oke. We need to see. I can feel your impact on this ecosystem. When you see this, give me shout at I will be able to send my phone number there. Regards.

My good man, you can see that this isn’t the actually AMA thread. Having said that Emeka hasn’t been on Radar since May 16. A very long shot, trying to reach him this way.

Try LinkedIn or Twitter, most definitely better luck there.

Thanks. I will see what can be done. Do you know how to reach him. Thanks. I will appreciate your response. By the way, where is techcabal office… Is it yaba…