I said, e don do oooooooooooo… This is not benefitial. I think we’ve all made our points. Thank you.
It’s not just for you, it’s for anyone interested, this is not an attack o, just explaining my POV obviously someone can counter me and i’d be eager to hear the points and change my facts if needed
You have a valid point - I don’t dispute. But believe me, I’ve seen and experienced what php can do and with php7… I rest my case.
Why brag about being a developer when you are not getting the problems solved like the designers using WP
Won’t be fair to live you hanging.
HINT: hotels.ng is solving a problem yeah?
So are we talking Visual or Figures!
Its just amazing when you think about the fact that all this rant about technical stuffs going back and forth is just because a guy decided to build a travel website in 2 days…
What happened to launching with a MVP… I am just wondering how many companies out there actually launched with the best possible technology…
Also, I am pretty sure that if an angel investor had immediately responded to him, this discussion would have taken a different direction all together…
There’s a reason for everything!
Quick one, in the world of CMS would you recommend Joomla instead even though just like wordpress one would rely on plugins and themes?
Personally i don’t use Joomla because I don’t like the code convention JControllerRemiController and stuff like that however my last experience with it is 1.5.
So it depends are you asking as a user or as a developer who intends to write custom modules ?
If as a user, use any platform that works for you that will enable you manage content easily, as a developer I won’t recommend Joomla.
Note: Personal Opinion
Lol…I also feel he’s trolling around. If he’s not, then I think he’s in for some rude awakening from his lofty dreams. Starting a business as a result of a challenge is sort of ludicrous in my own opinion.
It has been resurrected!!!
@StephenAfamO ???
I think they’re planning something else with the domain. Should be interesting. But someone should tell the guy or whoever is now in charge of design to throw some shadow or something behind the hero text. It’s a pain to read.
Funny, I guess that’s your intention… Search Google for websites built with wordpress. See some - TechGyst , TechCrunch , SonyMusic , Bata , Beyonce , , Tell me what you think.
If you kept scrolling, you’d have found this
Also, quantity doesn’t always translate to validation. An extreme analogy would be there are probably more machines still running Windows XP/7 in the world today than Windows 10. And within enterprises and fortune 500 companies (i.e. machines constantly making money or directly responsible for it). I don’t suppose that translates into what your argument would assume.
Truth is, you can go ahead and do whatever you want to do with Wordpress. I don’t think anyone is stopping you. Coming out guns blazing when anybody points out that something could have been done efficiently outside of Wordpress means you haven’t taken time to appreciate the limitations of your tool, and quite frankly screams ignorance.
And while we are on the subject of anecdotes, you should know that even in the media world, “new media” organizations such as Vox Media, Buzzfeed, etc are able to maintain their dominance by properly bending technology to their will with their own custom CMSs. Chorus for Vox, and whatchamacallit for BuzzFeed - which helps them do interesting stuff like this