June 2014, a young Nigerian teenager decided to feed his zeal, push out his inner nerd and share around what he has learnt, read, known and loves. Initially he started by sending BCs to friends on BBM.
Then later, he started a BBM Channel called ‘Geeks World’ (GOAL: Reach out and share quality and lovely contents to 500 people/subscribers come end of the year ) and invited friends. By the end of 2014, he was the happiest young man in the country- Why? He surpassed his goal by 100%, but as the days goes by he wanted to reach out to far more.
Fast forward to June 2016, the initial dream of 500 subscribers was far surpassed with 6,500 subscribers ( now at 8,600 and counting )+ a recognition from the BBM team for quality contents with a verified channel badge, but as the days go by again he wanted to reach out to far more.
Then SmartGeek NG (https://smartgeek.com.ng) was born out of the goal to build a platform that helps people to: Embrace your inner geekeries.
Social media accounts were created (@smartgeekng on Twitter and Instagram), but it became more work + expenses on a ‘not-profiting’ system/brand for a young man but he was once again driven forward by his zeal, so he kept on marching.
One year after SmartGeek NG (https://smartgeek.com.ng) has had over 100k page views.
@SmartGeekNG (Tw) has had over 6k followers
@SmartGeekNG (Insta) has had 10k followers
SmartGeek NG also sponsored + was a partner (no he didn’t pay) at Chapter 11 & 12 of the first testathon in Indonesia (Lol yea, 50% of BBM subscribers are Nigerians, 30% are from Indonesia) along with Facebook and Global App Testing. Find here: http://testathon.co/jakarta/ + http://testathon.co/bandung/
[ http://testathon.co/chapter-12-bandung/ + http://testathon.co/chapter-11-jakarta/]
Chapter 8 was done in Lagos see here: http://testathon.co/more-info-lagos/ + https://radar.techcabal.com/t/testathon-with-facebook-team-in-lagos-june-26th/ (Techcabal was also a partner), once again as the days go by he wanted to reach out to far more but now it is becoming a big one to handle alone (expenses, content for all platforms (IG+TW+blog+bbm channel, e.t.c) + Young man has to source for income via other different channels.
For the first time, this young man doesn’t know how to move forward alone. He bought a land, made ridges for 3 years but now he is confused on what to farm!