I’d take you seriously if you were at least accurate with your arguments about the state-of-the-art in AI.
Haven’t read it. Just something for this ridiculous discourse. Who knows, maybe I’m completely off my rockers.
I’d take you seriously if you were at least accurate with your arguments about the state-of-the-art in AI.
Haven’t read it. Just something for this ridiculous discourse. Who knows, maybe I’m completely off my rockers.
Whoop dee doo!
Ridiculous discourse?
Find below excerpts from the Wikipedia link you posted.
One -
"In the second decade of the 21st century, a number of studies have been released suggesting that technological unemployment may be increasing worldwide. Further increases are forecast for the years to come.
“While many economists and commentators still argue such fears are unfounded, as was widely accepted for most of the previous two centuries, concern over technological unemployment is growing once again.”
Two -
"Research by the Oxford Martin School showed that employees engaged in “tasks following well-defined procedures that can easily be performed by sophisticated algorithms” are at risk of displacement. The study, published in 2013, shows that automation can affect both skilled and unskilled work and both high and low-paying occupations; however, low-paid physical occupations are most at risk.[7]
“However, according to a study published in McKinsey Quarterly[69] in 2015 the impact of computerization in most cases is not the replacement of employees but automation of portions of the tasks they perform.[70]”
Ridiculous (meaning deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd) discourse indeed.
Done here.
This is Foundation for Responsible Robotics, a London based organisation that hopes to bring in a wide variety of participants,(activists, lawyers, technologists and philosophers) to discuss the development of Robotics so developers don’t build Terminators, machines that will become a threat to humanity.
Personally I think we are about 20-30 years from terminators, maybe 15-20 years from Jarvis from Iron Man. Before we get to this point, we will be way past machines that can do all human jobs. They can do everything a human can do because they can LEARN to do it. And if there are new jobs, they simply LEARN and voila.
So there are already organisations discussing our safety from machines NOW and someone thinks it is ridiculous to start discussing our economic future vs machines.
The process will be harder if we don’t start this discussion now.
We are nowhere near JARVIS et al, even in the next 50years, Machines are programmed hence a true AI will hv to have the ability to programme itself meaning creating its own coding language that has not yet been found which is theoretically impossible so we can say Intelligent Assistants will get more smarter and humanlike but we cant ever have Sentient beings and anyone who tells you is lying.
The focus on new Tech firms is the most powerful Intelligent Assistants and Robots who with enough programming can predict but cant think for themselves to assist in everyday operations, they still would need commands from humans.
This is why this is a ridiculous discourse. It appears “everything” you know about AI is from Hollywood. What is the state-of-the-art in computer vision please? Why can’t researchers train neural networks with thousands/millions of layers? What’s the latest research on simulating a human brain? What’s stopping researchers from creating a robotic arm at the same level of functionality as a human limb?
20-30 years from AGI? If you knew anything about AI, then you’d know how stupendous, ridiculous and dumb that sounds.
So now, we are going full Singularity? What level of intelligence is required for a machine to harm a human?
For fucks sake, get an education. Machines don’t “simply LEARN”. Machines that can do everything a human can do don’t fucking “simply LEARN”; AlphaGo and Watson, arguably the most sophisticated machines are dumb as fuck. All they know how to do is play Go and answer questions respectively. That level of sophistication took years of hard work and research and we are no sooner to AGI. And you come here, arguing in favour of Singularity and your arguments are riddled with holes, no sources to backup your lame arguments and plenty confirmation bias?
Good, fucking, grief!
Anytime in the future when you decide to have a real discussion, I’ll be glad to respond.
Bloody Luddite!
For the records, everything I have said so far is aimed at showing how humans are already fast adapting
@Suleman @Obi_Ik You keep painting this AI/Robot stuff as one economic apocalypse that will eclipse the world in about 50 years time (if I could stretch it that far). Now a lot of the technological innovations we are witnessing today were actually depicted by sci-fi books and movies decades ago; these books/movies also tried to portray how humans correspondingly marched the rate of these innovations in the area of adaptation in job creation. If you read or watch any sci-fi book/movie written/produced in the last ten years, you’ll agree to some extent that the futuristic world depicted in them show how humans (smarter humans) will be adapting to them in the area of job creation across all job cadres; the society will be more prosperous then, and what may equate as a low-paying job then is probably gonna be paid the salaries of the current upper middle income earners.
Bro; I believe you know that a lot of progressive societies are now realizing that different groups of students learn any given educational concept in specialized, unique ways, and which is now giving rise to a kind of differential teaching methodology and the evolution of a new set of teaching methodology education and requirements by teachers/lecturers, all of which would see a spike in a new type of educational institutions like the Alt School started by Priscilla Chan, Zuckerberg’s wife. So requirements for employment of teachers will gradually change and more teachers will be required for any subject because different groups of students learn this subject in different ways: so the AI computer will serve as sorting out these different learning techniques based on the human-designed differential parameters fed into it, and the human teachers will employ their differential teaching methodology skills in educating the students.
Well, critical thinking goes beyond that to employ creativity, a significant extent of which is born out of intuition/instinct, which is purely human. Bots constantly get better only at using the inputs fed into them from data–from any source like online shopping enquiries, defined sets of parameters for doing any routine work and so on–to analyse situations mainly retrospectively and in some occasion make prospective projections, especially for events largely determined by non-animal phenomena such as the weather, soil condition, rain pattern, probability of meteorites colliding with satellites in orbits and other space probes and so on. Factors inherent in and solely determined by animals and humans, I believe have infinite possibilities when it comes to how they manifest as real world challenges, and so humans will always be suited to carry out jobs in these domains. That’s why we have things like the Lean Startup models for running businesses. However, I would love to see an AI that will just take up my idea frameworks for a new business and give me a detailed pathway of instructions which, when adhered to, will transform my startup to probably a multi-trillion dollar corporation. But that’s impossible because the uncertainties of the target market, which are humanly determined, manifest in an infinite manner of possibilities: this is one of the many areas I guess new jobs will emerge for humans.
Evaluate one important creative stuff you have done in your life and honestly assess whether an AI 1000 years into the future can march that from the point of initiation to final execution.
It may be true that the world is full of greedy humans; but I disagree, in totality, that greed is the force driving the rapid advances in technology: the human mind is constantly evolving and getting more powerful, prospectively projecting all the time, trying to make connections where none existed before, trying to explore the unknown/uncertain—and all of this and many more, my brother, make up the engine driving the wheel of technological innovations and inventions the world is witnessing today. Only if everyone can unleash this drive at any area of human endeavour they find themselves, the world will keep getting better at a much faster rate.
Nowhere did I paint any AI/Robot stuff as one economic apocalypse that will eclipse the world in 50 years time.
I never ever try to predict the future.
What I tried to point out and clearly stated throughout this discussion was that…
While AI and associated technologies do present lots of opportunities, they do also pose significant threats. Threats we need to put in perspective or think about. Threats we seem not prepared to tackle.
That’s my opinion
You seem to think such threats are unfounded or not significant. Your opinion.
Ultimately we all hope and need to work for a great future.