Special Product Launch by Google Nigeria

From Google Nigeria:

We have an exciting announcement to make and we’d like you to be there.

Google invites you to an afternoon of demo’s, fun food and innovative conversation.

Registration Form

When: 18 August 2015
Time: 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Where: Somewhere in Lekki Peninsula. Details will be sent to registered guests

Registration Form

We look forward to your company.


The Google Nigeria Team

Could we please get a little bit more info on what you want us to sign up for?


Oga, any Tom, DIck and harry can set up a google form to ask for people’s details.

Somewhere kor everywhere ni!!

My apologies for the late response. Had little internet access over the weekend.

I’m afraid I can’t say much more than what little information is in that brief. From what I’ve found out from Google Nigeria, they are going to be launching a new product (which they’ve been very secretive about) at the event.

You are right. Anybody can. Just like anybody serious can also arrange a long con by setting up an elaborate website.

If this would help show that it’s genuine, this particular form was created by a Googler (which is why it says “This form was created inside of Google.com”) and shared to me by one

Hey @trulyTobi , you’ve got egg on your face. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Yea @bobolatech everyone goes through it at one time or another. :smile:

Regardless of whether it’s from Google or not, the lack of info is unnecessary. Just say what it’s for, by the time details are sent out everyone will know anyway.

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:v: :hand: to forgive is divine

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Thanks @dftaiwo for sharing, we’ll certainly get to find out that secret product tomorrow :smile:

It’s a new phone…wow! :smirk: