Ideas are crazy, stupid, but cool. Execution is key, hard, but fun. But in a situation where a startup founder has multiple ideas of course he picks one for his startup (WE KNOW), but in an instance run two or more products the same time with his startup, is that cool, if not what are the implications of these illegal action. what do you think??? in relation to this I have multiple ideas? How do i pick the best idea? Or should i do all of them
Just one advice for you, you’ll get distracted by all and wouldn’t be able to dedicate the required time and commitment to a single project, think abt growth. Identify the one with the best prospect and channel all your energy towards it.the rest can come later.
If you are a true entrepreneur, this is in evitable. Experimenting is key. Personally, iI have pushed lots of crazy ideas and projects in the past, some made sense, some generated passive income for some time, and some outrightly failed.
I have a tech startup where things are really serious, but still, i have some interesting side projects in sports where i get to meet people, organize events, manage my team, convince parents to let their kids join… . I just make sure my schedules don’t clash and always have a team even if we all know it’s going nowhere …
Side gigs are cool especially when they are hobbies and they can be a nice source of passive cash, you never know which one will eventually pay off… Eg Slack.
Just don’t get too attached to any of them including your major stuff and always make objective decision…
Ooh did i mention you’ll be broke most of the time for experimenting?
@Lord_Starkphils TRUE, if want to survive Experimenting is key as an Entrepreneur trying different things (Side projects) is essential, and been broke sure that will happen, its normal but painful.
@Lord_Starkphils very true…am a fan of experimenting cos u never know which will work well…seriously wat u think will work wouldn’t and the side projects goes on perfectly breaking boundaries… just that ur time management is very much important…To me starting-up is experimental…
At the initial question - if you have to ask, don’t do it.
@xolubi I don’t get u cos am quite new to startups…pls elaborate, thanks.
@xolubi why did you say no? pls explain.