Bro I am not big in anyway. These dudes talked about me being there was gonna be a problem or shit like that. Why all the hate tho? I just don’t get them. They keep paying attention.
Still here with my day one NIGGAS screaming now new friends!
Now that we know the ban/suspend feature is working, can we use it again?
Maybe we can do something fun like hack on something little together.
I saw some people talking about building a radar bot.
I bet we could think of something small to build that’ll be a useful tool for the community.
Maybe a bot to track a user and send alerts when that user is trending on radar. Something like ifttt, but for us.
Since the concept was inspired a certain user, I think it’s only fair we name the tool ozombot.
hahaha @Dapo… straight red right?
@ozombo guy , calmdown. You’re too aggressive. Learn to ignore comments.
Prayerbox, which has been funded by an Angel investor, works like Twitter in the sense that users can create accounts, follow people, post their prayers and view prayers from users they follow in their timeline. In place of a retweet or reply, users can say ‘Amen’ to prayers in their feed. Users can also send private prayers to each other.
@ozombo this is from your Forbes feature. So what is unique about Prayerbox? I mean, people are already doing all these things on their numerous social media platforms, why should anyone leave twitter or facebook to come and post their prayers on Prayerbox? Or do you have a special Prayer Answering feature that isn’t on twitter? Without any serious differentiation, it’s not very much better than John Oliver’s Scream Into The Void! How is Prayerbox unique?
I’ll answer your one question. There is so much noise on Twitter and Facebook. They are not dedicated to religious services. And what you quoted from Forbes shows you didn’t understand what the guy was saying. He compared the model and how it works to twitter not in the same context. If that was the case then instagram should never have been founded nor Facebook photos as Flickr owned that market at that time. I’ll ask the near 200k users why they use it tho.
Thus making me relevant.
I wish I could. But these people be straight up dissing. And honestly I pass time on radar. Like the Joker says. Why so serious!
Can this topic please go back to the part where people were actually talking about a meetup?
If you’re in Port Harcourt - reach out to me let’s connect.
200k users is very impressive. I checked and I saw this Amazon Alexa
Back to the topic, I think a meetup would be great. We could meet to discuss our current endeavours and learn from our unique experiences.
You won the 440 pitch, you got featured on Techcabal, Pulse and FORBES, I don’t doubt a 200k signup. I’m not sure about active users. There isn’t much activity on the site. The screenshot below is that of the top prayers on your site. And there are no dates on the prayers so we can know when they were posted.
Cool. We’ll reconcile further via DM.
If you scroll up and read about my first reply you would notice the issue of privacy and prayers. Public prayers are available on explore. Private prayers are available on request to the owners of such prayers. But what do I know. Intercom tells me something else.
I dont even wanna say a word concerning this @ozombo matter…jokes!
@ozombo, YOU NEED TO CHILL. Nobody is out to get you. Nobody is hating. I say that with confidence because to be hated, you first have to own something worth hating on.
Also if going to Dublin and being featured on Forbes is more important than creating a product that people ACTUALLY USE, then I don’t even know what to say to you.
One reason I respect @TomiWalker and the Orbi team is because unlike ‘prayerbox’, they are focusing on getting people to actually use their platform (not just visit the website) and in the process constantly marking checkpoints and achieving milestones (Like they have an iOS app now…how cool is that )
Mehn focus on your product. You obviously have something legit there. I wish you the best. But what do I know
Anyways, I’m excited for a Radar meet. I get to see all you cool people (and hack too - if someones suggestion is considered)
Alexa in 2015? Hmmmm. I hope you don’t use it to measure the success rate of your product/website. I recommend tools like INTERCOM. The world has gone beyond page views my dear friend.
If I wasn’t bothered about usage, I wouldn’t invest in INTERCOM. And I think when people call anything UNICORN wannabe or whatever, hate is involved. The first goal was to create what people want after which it got all the press it has without a dollar on advertising. And about the apps damn right we launching one soon. Needed to get to certain milestones and study user behaviour before getting that out there.
I dunno mahn, just saying.
I signed up and followed some people to assess your site. Real usability minefield. But it’s okay, i guess.