Pidgin Dictionary

Look guys, its some type of frustration that lead me to write this so if i appear reaching just ignore the reaching part and pay attention to the reasonable part.

So with all of Tech this, Tech that and whatnot’s in Nigeria, we don’t have a smart pidgin dictionary the world can borrow or learn from?:sweat:

I mean, isn’t there someone in the Nigeria Tech ecosystem (abi wetin una dey call am sef?) that can settle the fight between my iPhone and I anytime I need to write ‘comot’ but my phone thinks it should be ‘compton’?

Lets get serious here, there should be some coder or programmer or whatever that can deliver us from auto-correct (somebody said its a form of racism :smirk:) or we are all going to pretend as if we can win the battle against auto-correct by ‘replacing’ the words all the time?

Please, Please and Please somebody do something before I smash this phone against the wall… :triumph: (you wish abi :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

I want to write ‘kilode’ in peace rather than my phone suggesting ‘kilometer’, i want to write ‘mumu’ jeje (even "jeje’ is not spared, my phone thinks its ‘Jewelry’) rather than being told to write ‘mummy’ by my phone, you see it can be annoying when you want to write common ‘wetin’ and your phone is insisting on ‘Will’ (though I like Will Smith a lot)

So techies, can we have a Nigerian Pidgin dictionary, sorry I couldnt get to the ‘reaching’ part or did I?

Great idea. All that remains for you to do is suggest the business model and lead the angel round.



If you’re looking for a dictionary, i built Kofare some time back and there was a post about it on radar btw btw. Basically, it comes down to being a community where each member can contribute words and definitions. But then, regarding your iPhone case, I’m thinking you want a pidgin keyboard instead as I don’t think the guys over at have any incentive to add support for that yet.

Hi, @adequnle

I think, what you are actually looking for, is a keyboard solution. Here’s a four step approach, to remedy your situation.

Step 1: Deactivate the auto complete feature within the settings of your current keyboard. This will prevent unwanted changes to your pidgin words when you press the spacebar, like the instances you gave here:

Step 2: Activate the smart suggestion feature within the settings of your existing keyboard. This allows your keyboard to actually memorize your frequently typed words (In this case, your pidgin words) and suggest them in the suggestion bar.

Step 3: If your keyboard is lacking in any of the features outlined in steps 1&2, kindly change your keyboard. I use Swiftkeyboard/Touchpalx for Android. I can’t vouch for their availability on the Apple Store.

Step 4: If steps 1-3 above fail… Kindly find the nearest wall, and smash the iPhone. You’d be amazed at level of relief you will instantly experience. The relief is instantly amplified if it’s an iPhone 6s.

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