MVP- HR Software

Hey guys!!!

Any good HR software out there
Please include you personal experience on any.


NB: Would appreciate indigenous options

For indigenous options, you should definitely check out TalentBase ( I believe this was developed by @ChikaUwazie and her team.


Like she said ^^


ohh…That’s nice and Thanks!!

Do you use the software?

What’s your experience like?

Sounds like the Only good thing presently…

Any other software you trust?

No. I haven’t used them so I can’t tell you what it’s like. I have only heard a lot about them.

Maybe someone else will have some insights for you.

@yoowai Thanks…But I need more. So back to why I came here…HELP!!!:joy:

Hello please contact me at chika.uwazie @ talentbase . ng . I am more than happy to do a demo with your team : )