Linda Ikeji Social Bug Lists

So it’s no news that LIS is filled with bugs, I’ve been tweeting a few of them and feel a lot of you guys here will have found tons of them. Let’s share them and if Linda is smart she might take note and also use the strategy is using for getting content in helping her tech improve drastically by paying people or starting a bug bounty program.

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  1. If you put a space after your name during sign up, you get an error that you have invalid characters in your name.

  2. You can send an empty message to someone. When the modal pops up for new message you can click send and an empty message is sent to that person.

  3. Notifications don’t work in real time. I followed myself from a friends phone and nothing popped up. Same goes for mentions.

  4. I should be able to see a list just lick on twitter while I immediately type an @ anywhere in my post. This would help me select the exact person I want to mention in that post.

  5. I can’t send a story without uploading a picture? When I click on the file upload textbox, nothing happens. I should not have to click on the folder icon before I can select a picture.

  6. During search, when I click on a name I don’t get redirected to a profile.

  7. Chat should gave public rooms. The rocket chat module you are currently using supports that feature.


I doubt any of the Cabals work for linda hence irrelevance of your post on here. You could easily have sent a direct message to her (on IG, or via mail) and land a job. You obviously have a lot of time on your hands.


Calm down bro. Think about it. These are real UX issues that a user has highlighted. They could serve as things to look out for for anyone who wants to develop a product as well as user experience discussion points. No need to be hostile.


1 is a strange oversight. A simple use of trim() would have solved this.

2 is also another strange oversight.

4 would be nice, but I don’t think people have usernames on LIS. I noticed also that the site links to people as, for example, Is that really wise? What happens if another Mark Essien signs up?

6… Where do you get redirected to?

Granted, some of these are edge cases, but it just serves to remind us to be meticulous as developers.


Also, you can’t deactivate your account.

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To be honest, she should have just acqui-hire prayerbox team.


For now, this is not a bug. In pg 16 of wayo-growth playbook, it says; once a user creates an account - never let them go.

  1. They now have usernames.

  2. No where, they just set the value of the search box to the element you click upon. After which you have to search to proceed. Only geeks might even notice this.

seems more like a feature request than a bug


what book is that and where can it be gotten? #curious

:joy: it doesn’t exist! I was just playing but if you seriously wanted books on growth, I recommend ‘Traction’ by Gabriel Weinberg & Justin Mares. If your startup is more of a Saas/B2B type of firm, worth checking out ‘From impossible to Inevitable’ by Ross Lemkin.

Or you could just binge
for loads of actionable tips.


Thanks for the recommendation. Nice read so far…

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Ouch… Lol

  1. lindaikejisocial is highly vulnerable, u can redirect any post created on the site with this simple code.
    window.location.href = “”;
    Note: () means <> radar is not vulnerable to page redirect.
    Redirect the Page on Page Load
    SO linda need good hackers and security personels to measure up how vulnerable hers site is, cus this aint blogspot by google.

This is not true, Your JS is not really committed to the DB if you re suggesting its vuln to Xss attacks,All that happens only when they 're trying to fake the experience of realtime update by directly appending user input into comment_container or Posts_container elements without properly escaping html entities , but it only affects your own experience from your end and stops after reload.But Good Thing you spotted that out too.

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Most of your complaints are not even bugs at all. You just aren’t used to them