Jangilova (beta)

:grinning: lol looks like someone googled “Ted Bundy” and decided to delete that comment, am not gonna lie, security is just the main issue here, and htat means you have to vet for everyone which is hard.

lol i won’t lie, had to google then flag down the post. Yea security is the world’s issue but as far i can guarantee, we have been doing a great job in verifying every signup on Jangilova, its not automatic, we have a lot of signups that haven’t been verified too. so @dojoVader we are also waiting for you, don’t bring Ted bundy here next time:punch:

am impressed… nice idea…u may be on to something real big here.

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rotfl :joy::joy::joy:

Great work. But what’s the sustainable business model?

You guys are also on techcabal…

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Interesting idea. Though it would be nice if there were a couple of screenshots/examples one could look at without having to sign up first. Also, a couple of questions about the site itself…

  1. Why did you hijack scrolling? I usually do this with my trackpad, not the keyboard and it won’t work on your site till I disabled JS.
  2. Just by opening the homepage, without doing anything, my browser asks me if I want it to save ‘Username ******’ details. Not sure what that’s about.

I imagine this idea would be popular amongst a certain set, but I’ll pass, and I’m pretty sure most of the people I know would pass too (or can probably afford their own entertainment and have no need nor desire to share with strangers).

All the use cases, while they are in high demand, are also copyright minefields. Just call it what it is: screen sharing, and encourage your users to “share innovatively” while you maintain plausible deniability. Unfortunately, calling it plain old screen sharing also takes the excitement out of it


@onyeka. nice, we’d work on that

Jangilova and chill :wink::wink::wink: Arrange babes to come watch TV in my house nah… I also have PS4… :joy::joy::joy: I will it out… Most definitely…


:joy:@balogundanjuma you just gave us one: #JangilovaAndChill ! we are expecting you…

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