I have been checking for daily deal sites in Nigeria, but it seems that dealdey is the only surviving daily-deal site. do you know any other?
Dealdey is no longer a daily deals website.
So, is there no daily-deal site or deal aggregator in Nigeria again?
There are deal aggregators. Like Kosava deals. Not the same thing as daily deals.
http://dealchecker.com.ng too does a really great job of aggregating deals across most online stores
OK, I will like to Introduce a new deal aggregator site by me http://www.freejaja.com … please check it out.
Theres a new Daily Deal Site that just launched www.cityslash.com
When they say look at other threads on the forum and see where you can “contribute”, they didn’t mean “advertise” or “spam”.
The guy resurrected a 2 month old post just to push his product. Folks don’t get that, that’s not how to get genuine interest in your product.
You guyz can flag it as spam or possibly delete my account if you see it as spam… Have always followed up updates from radar, saw something that interest me, I wrote a reply.
@xolubi and @akindolu I have withdrawn my reply because I have no time for spam talk because I believe it was a question posted in 2015, someone replied May while I replied July, why the criticism on mine?
Nigerians will never change online and offline!
Actually the average Nigerian is not very critical, nor acutely observant.
I don’t mind hearing Radar is full of the typical badgering constitited online but atleast be accurate with how Nigerian it is here.
You can continue with your plugs but you just have to be smarter how you go about it. Constitute more self promotions than you contribute to the forum and you’ll be called out, it’s really that simple.
To be fair, @xolubi & @akindolu should have also called out @Shade whose “offence” appears greater than that of @Victorybiz ( as described by @akindolu, as (s)he resurrected a 4 month old post):
You make it seem like I’m being paid to patrol Radar. I had just gotten off reading @Victorybiz’s thread somewhere else only to find a spammy post here, hence my response. If I had seen this anything later than a few days from today, I wouldn’t have bothered as that would also constitute “resurrecting a dead post”.
Not at all. I’m ambivalent on this issue. I just think that then it would be clear to OP & whomever else it may concern that OP is not being singled out…
My opinion on spam (& other underhanded promotion gimmicks) is along the lines of yours & @akindolu’s.
I think myself and Ezra @xolubi should start getting paid now. I didn’t know we were the community police to have not seen Shade’s offence. Thank you for pointing that out.
We’ll start doing our job better once we start getting end of month bank alert from @lordbanks and @seyitaylor, okay?
Make we form Cabal
No o
Seriously, I do appreciate the work you guys put into this community. The presence of you both (and some others) help to serve as quality control
Both of you (& others e.g @PapaOlabode) were on my radar before I signed up (& contributed immensely to the decision to do so).
Maybe we can ask @lordbanks what tools were used to build TechCabal as some people have been doing here for Radar.