Interaction design series

Hey guys.
Recently, I’ve been working on some personal experimental interaction designs on both self-initiated
/ client projects. It’s been awesome I’ll confess, and I’ll be continuing with it for the next couple of weeks. I may, if I happen to be free, do more than one interaction in a week.
And, I’ll be sharing them on here. And, your feedbacks and contributions will be highly appreciated.
Thank you.


Hello, great work. It will be nice if you can let us know the tools you use and your work flow. Thanks

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I work with Sketch for the designs.
And Flinto/Adobe After Effects for the interactions.

Great, thanks

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Good morning.
Herre’s another one I gave a shot at.
Gym results animation.

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Great Work!! Just curious on how you take it from After Effects to HTML/CSS/JS??

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Well, it’s a tricky process.
I don’t code though.
But, in some cases, I have to create some animation and export in Ajax
using bodymovin.

And, my colleagues here are trying out CSS canvas animation,
so we just do the much we can.

ohh, just checked bodymovin, looks like a great plugin for exporting after effects to svg/html. css animations on the canvas element, creative stuff…seems like you work with an interesting team.

My team is actually cool. Lol.
And every once in a while, we try something new.

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sounds great, looking forward to seeing what ya’ll come up with. Talking about canvas animations - check this 1 out, abstract stuff but super cool -

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I’m having a hard time uploading something as it exceeds the 3.2mb or so radar max upload size.


It’s been a busy week.
Here’s a micro shopping website interaction.


Good morning.
Some experiment on mobile carting/checkout.


An App for Event managers.
For assigning, managing and keeping up with task status.
This is just the event management section though.

Team Management screens of the Event and Task management app.

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Hey Felix, i remember you talked about bodymovin but have you heard of lottie -
It works with bodymovin as well and can even be used with React Native for mobile apps.
If you happen to try it, please share if it works. I dont have after effects files i would have tried and i’m not much of an after effects guy

Lottie files are created with bodymovin.
Will share one before today runs out though.

Mashed one up.
It’s on the Lottie homepage
and my profile as well.

Hey Felix,

Do you happen to know how to convert those json to gif ?

I have the After Effects file, so, I can always export to either json or gif.
But, converting json to gif, is something I’ve not tried out.