How Many Tech companies in Nigeria are willing to pay Hackers to find bugs in their Web Apps and Networks?

How Many Tech companies in Nigeria are willing to pay Hackers to find bugs in their Web Apps and Networks?
I wonder if tech companies in Nigeria are matured enough to know that Cyber Attacks have evolved and Securing their various platforms cannot be over emphasized. Are they really willing to have “Bug Bounties” where they would have to pay Hackers and Pentesters (White, Grey or Black Hats) that find Bugs on their platforms, and when i say pay i mean good pay. Companies Like Google, Facebook, Apple to mention a few are paying real well for their Bug Bounty programs.

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A friend (in Cyber Security) works for a company which recently teased pen-tests as a feature. I think they got a client already.

Nigerian companies may be more comfortable with other companies doing “security consultancy” than paying a ‘hacker’ to test their platform out.