Thank you @MrASulaiman and @Nosa_O for your great submissions.
I also respect your opinions @manifest and @PapaOlabode. But you see, this post is about doing the right thing and holding the right of the privacy and security of the a customer as sacrosanct.
The recent Apple-FBI Privacy case in the US shows how much high regard the developed world regards customers privacy and information. Apple says she built the iPhone with no backdoor, so is even unable to hack into the evidence as requested by the FBI. Apple is even fighting the government regarding the FBI’s right to ask for “dead” customer’s information.
I’m a Nigerian, so somehow I’m used to seeing “I don’t care” and “anyhowness” attitudes everywhere. And when someone stands up to talk against it, you are labelled with names and accused to have a hidden agenda.
Once, I reiterate that the right thing to do is for to implement HTTPS for the safety of the information transmitted between their server and customers’ browsers!
Unless, the Radar administrators delete this thread or lock it down, we’ll continue to post updates until the lovely “green bar” or “green padlock” appears on the site. As a server administrator, I know that it wouldn’t take me more than 3 hours to set up HTTPS on any server. If there are any complications, it wouldn’t take me more than a day to fix all of them!
I’m sorry if this has hurt anyone’s feeling but it’s the right to do.