Tiring to you or the Radar Community?
Why do I have a feeling we can relate this to [Em…Radar so far! ? Oh @87_chuks could have sent @lordbanks an email? C’mon.
And seriously, like seriously, you actually commented that you imagine CNN or AL Jazeera making a news out of Hotels ssl status.
[/quote] Bros! hotels.ng is bigger than you think! Anything Nigeria (Privately Nigerian ) needs to be taken seriously! SERIOUSLY! Little OVERSIGHT and I DON’T CARE is what put Nigeria in the back pocket.
Like you said, @mark could be reading the posts. He also very well could have simply contributed even if to comment thus; “We will look into the matter. Thank you!”
And this thread could have been locked down if it’s detrimental in any way.
As regards ruining the public outlook of his service as mentioned by you @akindolu , please note that customer complaints are good for your business! You may ask Why? How?
In today’s Internet-driven world, customers have more power than ever. A satisfied customer may share their good experience with few friends, whereas an angry customer has the potential to tell thousand of friends in social networks and communities. And for each customer that complains, there are anywhere from tens to thousands of people that don’t complain – And they simply stop doing business with you.
I know you’ll say it doesn’t matter if one looses a customer. LOL
Research has shown that customers with issues that are resolved quickly can often turn into loyal customers and even brand advocates. Simply put, a customer complaint can become very profitable when you can resolve their problem.
A customer complaint highlights problems with products/services, user experience and you can fix them before further problems arise and cause a bad customer experience. One of the advantages of CRM is that you can keep a record of customer feedback, both positive and negative.
You can use positive feedback to provide social proofing and attract new customers.
You can use negative feedback to fix any internal processes and make your customers happy.
Now we might agree we understand all this. But why are we carrying the matter on our head? Well the answer is already in this my post. SIMPLE! If we are not already loyal customers, we could [quote=“sulaimanxyz, post:57”]
turn into loyal customers and even brand advocates.
Oh YES! I have my own startup to run. And couple of trending products to carter for. It’s my problem if I choose to show concern for other Startups. Tell me if customer reviews used to improve Twitter, Facebook et al are done privately.
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