I have this @Ayobami_Ogundiran account on radar but radar signed me out. I tried logging in again with facebook but it kept showing error that radar’s facebook login is in development mode. Please check this error for me to login to my account.
I have an unfinished review and I don’t want to duplicate thread pls…
Same here. I can’t access Radar from my Desktop since her upgrade. I actually cleared my cookies during that time, can’t remember my Password.
I tried sending password reset twice now but no reset email hit my box till now.
I think radar should look in to this.
I am writing this from a mobile device which the cookies are still intact.
I couldn’t replicate this problem though. Have you checked your spam?
I have check my spam, no trace of the Password reset email.
Please someone should try to make reset request to see if the email will be sent.
It better the problem is identify now rather than later.
But that’s exactly what I did. Worked fine for me. Unless you mean “someone else”.
Yes someone one else.
You may be using email that has same domain name with radar, so you may not have same problem with us.
Let someone else try it.
I’m not. I’m using my personal email. But if you insist, let’s get @PapaOlabode to help when he can.
I requested for a password reset and immediately got below
So it appears to be working fine for me. On the other hand, I’m not sure if this is the right way to test this as I sign in via Twitter.
OK, I still receive radar updates. But…I give up.
Thank anyway.