GTBank App Icon Redesign

@BalogunDanjuma, did you update your DP just for this comment? You seem to be mocking me, something like “shey na you ask for osho free, nto ooo” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@Engrtitus has gat no chill man! Pure wickedness :scream:


I’ve died… Loooooool…
Pure evil…
I’m tempted to do a berra version

Edit :

:laughing: Don’t pass oo… You should implement the logo ASAP… We might as well start a petition… Remember Hotels SSL?

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The new design is better than the old one nah… See as @engrtitus help you add wood to your logo… :grinning::grinning: #WellFurnished


Lmaoooo…Ya’ll play tew much!

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smh…oshofree no good sha

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The illustrations are top views of a couch and a sofa.

That much is obvious. That’s a good thing. I wonder about how the striped pattern will hold up when the logo has to scale down to, say, a favicon?


That’s not bad at all…

Thank you for your time and efforts @feyisayo. We’ll continue this discussion privately.

I agree, and the logo with single-couched icon looks like a Jacket, a bit… I’m thinking side facing sofas with curves?

amazing designs @feyisayo

this thread made me laugh

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@feyisayo What you created is very :sunglasses: and I wish GTB will aotally adopt it for their App icon, I :eyes: their logo everywhere already so I don’t need it staring at me on my own phone :neutral_face:

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This is beautiful, will pm you

i dont think ANYONE will take even an extra 500ms to find that icon on their screen. its GT and couldnt be anything else

My daddy :heart_eyes:

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I want to believe you mean Angel :innocent:

They have a mess called: “Guaranty Trust Bank: Internet Banking”
They worry about a (USELESS, except maybe for identification) logo?:clap::+1:
Do you really care?

This logo though. at No. 26

i am weak.