Don’t pose the question if the answer can’t change your mind

Food for thought…


I came here to “lol”, because it reminds me of some product threads on here.


@lordbanks you’re now officially a trouble maker,lol!

But jokes apart, I think when people do the whole ‘pls review my product & provide feedback’ thing, they need to genuinely come with the mindset that some of that feedback, might actually be painful to hear.

Of course it’s difficult to hear that the ‘product’ you’ve worked on for months, is less than perfect. But way better, that you hear it from a small (but maybe vocal community), which in turn helps you ‘align yourself’ (as @akindolu would say). It’s ‘all for your own good’!

Also good to remember that there are startups who actually charge to review products. So when people take their time from busy schedules (not to talk of their own hustle), to review your ‘baby’, I would think gratitude should be the default reaction.

Of course the final call, is for you to choose and pick what you’ll implement.


It is not easy to be told ‘your baby is ugly’ even when you know deep down that the baby is not too fine

Jokes apart, this really hits the nail on the head. Why ask for reviews and feedback if you’ve got your mind made up. It is pointless as it is a general waste of time and effort, both yours and others.

Can i propose this thread is part of the whole ‘onboarding process’? The thread should be read before asking for product review or idea validation. :slight_smile:


You are right for the most part. But then the product’s owner’s thought process cannot totally align with every other person’s.

You review and you give feedback based on what you understand but the owner probably or most likely has other details, strategies in the pipeline that he may not readily share for now. so he kind of has a better understanding or grasp of his product. Therefore it’s easy for him to be on a defensive when corrected or given “negative” feedback… Then some try, most times to make you understand how they see it…It now goes both ways because some people(feedback guys) don’t back down(most humans generally don’t) from their point of view…

Of course, it’s always a positive thing to receive feedback(not criticism). and improve your product. validation is sweet. but for some people correction is a shock. people react differently to shock


Pretty good points have been raised so far. Couldn’t agree more.

That said, I think people are wont to abuse this; “you are not your product”. I think it’s a bad cop out for a terrible attitude. By all means, give your opinion. In fact give a honest opinion. But don’t forget it’s a human being on the other end of the line. You can give a honest opinion without shitting on someone else.

Sure you expended your time and energy to offer what you think is a critique, but because you presented it wrongly, you hurt some people in the process.

Give valuable feedback and everyone will be better for it.


No one is disputing this. But they’ve asked for feedback based on what they’ve presented now, not based on ‘strategies in the pipeline’, that they’re currently not ready to share.

More importantly, when you ask for feedback, you’re asking for input from people who have not been emotionally or financially committed to the project. That’s ‘unbiased’ feedback right there.

[quote=“Fola_Moses, post:5, topic:5141”]
It’s always a positive thing to receive feedback(not criticism). and improve your product. validation is sweet. but for some people correction is a shock. people react differently to shock[/quote]

I absolutely agree with you. And this is understandable as we’re all different people. Having said that, it’s more shocking that people are not better prepared for ‘not so good news’. There’s absolutely no need to be defensive or aggressive, someone says your product is ‘crap’ and list out her reasons for saying so, then it’s up to you to take it or leave it. It’s really that simple.


I think this is absolutely true. No lies, we’ve all seen really nasty replies, all done under the guise of ‘feedback’. It happens here and there.

But this probably holds true for any platform on the net, where there’s a semi cloak of anonymity and people can say what they wouldn’t say in person. This might be what frees them to give it ‘straight’.

Having said that, I will still go as far as saying the ‘good’ outweighs the ‘bad’. And by all means, let’s continue to call out gratuitous bad behaviour.

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It definitely says a lot about the person, when s/he cannot field criticism while touting a very public product/service.

But Radar isn’t for instilling personal morals, well not by default. The dividend of open scrutiny is just that; criticism. Toughening you for harsh conditions.

What is offered on radar, or any open forum for that matter is the much needed varying perspective of the public - which is not the whole truth, but rather part of the needful truth.

Which I must also add is heavily subject to controlled swings, as a matter of corrective adjustment or rather continuous adjustment.

The public collective view is needful, but if that is all you stack your right to market on, then entrepreneurship will be a very long and hard journey for you.

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Just some?

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You’re alive?

Very much so :slight_smile:

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That you ask for someone opinion does not mean you must accept whatever he throws at you.

Personally I prefer criticism and negative feedback on my Projects especially from people who have nothing invested in it.

Negative feedback actually provides value whereas positive feedback is just some affirmation of our expectations.

I think we should embrace negative feedback and criticism a lot more.

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