CRUDCAST: Xolubi's Weekly Podcast

Speak for yourself, I listened to it in one go. Although, I will admit that I didn’t plan to listen to all of it. The length was initially a turn off but, once started it, I clearly found interesting enough to finish it.

I thought the podcast was good. Audio quality is solid with the few exceptions where I had to reduce the volume during the laughs. I had no problem with the length either, as the conversation was interesting and engaging. I’ll go check out the other episodes.

I like how it ends with the song, but I think you should have a custom theme song for the intro/outro for the podcast.

Kudos @xolubi
I listen to a lot of tech podcasts myself and the really good ones (such as this) tend to go on for quite a while. I find that the the host of the show and guests enjoy it so much when they do not feel time constrained.
However, if you guys want to take into consideration those that feel short for time, you could cut the show time to two sections like how John Sircusa and Marco of Accidental Tech Podcast do theirs.

Just a thought

Hmm. This whole time thing is tricky.

What’s that Henry Ford ‘Faster Horse’ quote again…

I think long podcasts work too. Tim Ferris has podcasts that are an hour long or more and they are all dope. Best Podcast guy out there to me.

The most important thing here is content, so maybe Crudcast can provide footnotes. That way people can fast forward to the bits they want to hear etc.

Anyway I would like to request you guys should draw out “secrets” from your guests: Books they recommend, etc.
If you take requests

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Episode 3!

Still high on the positive reception of Episode 2, we talked about the guests we have lined up: a guy who has been successfully selling software in Nigeria, a female web developer with a successful front-end blog and a female entrepreneur who isn’t a tech person but her business uses technology.

We talked about the importance of cash flow, why it’s better to sell pure water than milk, Ezra’s telephony exploits and what an IoT Umbrella would be like.

Til we get subscriptions going, hope you don’t mind if I notify you guys this way, @PapaOlabode and @ADT.

If anyone else wants notifications, let me know and I’ll tag you when a new episode drops.


Team Notify

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I want to be notified.


Anyone know the number of times @akamaozu said “like”? :joy:

Oh, this is the umbrella guy.

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@farouqzaib Funny enough when I listened, I thought I said “right?” way too much.

Haven’t finished listening to the podcast. Yeah, you had your moments with “right”. But it’s not so “terrible” when compared to “like”. I mean, “like” really? :joy:

Klein Devort (KDL) is awesome. I interned there in 2012. I had my introduction to git there. I wasn’t doing code revision before then. I remember breaking master one time and Mayowa was furious at me.

How did I forget Kingsman?! :see_no_evil:

Almost liked your post for proving umbrella guy is already a thing, but you said I like too much so … like withheld :triumph:

I’d also like to be notified.

The fifth episode is here.

As per @Bisong’s suggestion of a theme song, I whipped up something from a piece of library music. @akamaozu hates it… but who cares, right? We talked about Uzo’s experimentation with streaming data logs, the skull shaped (ooooh, spooky) asteroid that did a flyby of earth on Halloween, and Saturday’s failed attempt to coordinate an installation of Arch Linux on a VM from commands provided over by thousands of people worldwide.

There’s a bonus “revelation” at the 16th minute. Enjoy. :wink:

@PapaOlabode @ADT @Obi_Ik @sarutobi87 @anwaukoni


Oh, and it’s shorter

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:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I love the theme song. Was about to pump some imaginary ballet skills, until I heard one deep Nigerian voice :triumph: Nice pod…!

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Re Paystack, I personally think local transactions (both online/offline) are going account based – a la an open-loop and a more refined KongaPay type service.

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@Dapo Achieving that is a medium to long term goal for us. Thanks for the vote of confidence, I guess.

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That should have been the first and most important thing, but @xolubi doesn’t have the same priorities as us mere mortals with limited data so …

@trulyTobi let’s hope there aren’t 19 more people who think like you on here. I just found this dope oriental hiphop beat I think we should use but I promised to shut up if 20 people like the current intro so …

Bravo! It is like I’m listening in on a conversation between two friends trying to solve their tech challenges.

FWIW, a company I worked for,, as well as other audio and video content producers I follow transcribe their podcasts or videos to help them with SEO and make it easier for them to promote the podcasts on blogs or social media, since there’s text from which to excerpt quotes. Here are a few examples: Click on the “Show Transcript” link below the video. The transcript appears on the same page as the video and is visible to Google.


Ted Talk:

I know it can be a lot of work and not worth your time but it might we worth trying one as a test to see if the ROI is decent. Here are a few articles that will give you some options but I’m sure there are low cost opportunities in Nigeria as well which you probably already know about. (Read the comments section)

Looking forward to future podcasts.