Bastian has left Iroko

One is processing, but here you go:

Lol…I won’t forget my experience at the negotiating table with these guys. Notice that there is no mention of Kuluya anywhere.

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Congrats to Bastian.

I’m surprised Jason has not written one of his ‘David and Goliath’ stories - the ones where you’re not sure who’s David and who’s Goliath! Or maybe, this story is fit for a trilogy so requires patience…and part 1 soon come :grinning:.


So Bastian will set up an Investment Fund which will be different from SPARK?

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Oga wawu…

That’s an interesting question. The article doesn’t say but if I was to make a guess, I would say this would be an entire new fund & vehicle. Of course, Spark/Jason or prior LP’s will likely invest in this new vehicle, all things being equal.

Most Likely.

Its going to be interesting tho…

Points worth noting after reading:

  • Gotter and Njoku also began investing in “Lagos-based tech start-ups”, through Spark
  • follow his passion of “investing in and growing start-ups in Africa”
  • I am spending “three months in South Africa and subsequently plan to spend three months in Kenya”

This more or less looks like an expansion strategy beyond the shores of Nigeria. Which is a good thing in general. Whether Spark is involved or not is a different story all together but the most important point to note is Africa will be getting more startup fundings.

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Spark is focused on Lagos/naija…Bastian S/A and Kenya. There will be a synergy and co-operation as times goes.

@gOD Valid point and i think thats what will happen. That aside Nice website you have there.
Would you mind if i point out a security flaw i noticed on the site? If No, what email should i send it to.