Reading this comment made me to create this post, there is this hate amongs developers about other developers who are CMS developers compared to guys who code from scratch and build things, me personally do not like CMS developers but now i am starting to have a rethink, switching to the business side of life, so i will ask you guys what do think about this issue? Note: pls dont tell me there are simillar topics because i have checked before posting it.
Question: Should we attach the “developer” tag to people who work with CMSes?
Answer: Up to you
A developer is any one that creates something out of another thing.
In the sense of programming, anyone that writes code whether in a CMS or a framework or from scratch is a developer.
If all they do is copy and paste or point and click, that’s a user or wanna-be.
I didn’t know there was a realness quality to been a developer, been doing the thing for a while now and lucky enough to have worked in a few “popping” places, the only thing needed to be a dev is the ability to create.
And in light of that, even this would be wrong, if copy and paste or point and click end up creating a new/different thing, you are a developer, the english is simple enough.
I mean, a homeless man learnt javascript and built a carpooling app [[here]] ( and I can’t even place a modal box on a page without consulting Stack Overflow, now who’s the real dev?
There’s a major misconception in that statement, there’'s a difference between CMS Developer and someone who uses CMS to develop a website, because a CMS Developer like me extends the CMS which involves alot of code most times, e.g I use Processwire and have to read alot of the architecture before even extending it as compared to another user who just uses CMS and is totally dependent on plugins like Wordpress.
To be frank i don’t really care these days, anything that gets the job done be it WordPress (depending on requirements) or not. Not like a user is going to say
“Wow this site looks so awesome, am sure the guy developed it from scratch” you think a PornHub user will say whoa this Symfony allows alot of “load taking” (pun not intended)
For me, i believe the most important thing is to understand the basics or fundamental of what you are doing. Personally i love Wordpress because i can extend the core however i like. I can build plugins to perform specific functions etc. I use wordpress to setup the back end for most web apps / mobile apps i have built via api calls. Its a CMS…so it very easy to setup when what you are trying to achieve is manage content of some sort…P.S Whether you use a CMS or a Framework, They are the same to me. They enhance productivity of the developer