Do you really want to know what’s typical about us? Our egos appear to be large and omnipresent (always at stake) and fragile (it must not be touched). And this is not limited to Radar.
Let’s explore this further together by examining your post:
• You gave your opinion about a product
• And someone else kindly provides their own alternate view and opinion
• Now your ego takes over! You felt and actually said you were bullied. This is just because everyone doesn’t share your worldview.
So you’re right…this can be a typical experience of why initial perception of Radar, was less than great. But gradually it appears that people have learnt to check egos outside before logging in and also folks are less harsh (or learnt to ignore), when giving feedback. It’s still early days but definitely agree that vitriolic tone of Radar has died down, yet it’s still a vibrant place.
So fingers crossed…it stays that way!
Now I get the memo. I’m not against the MO at all and it will be fun henceforth…
I almost thought he was a girl loll
I’m not leaving my opinions at the door. No Sir. I’m Lord & Master and my thoughts form the world.
The world should listen to what I have to say. Period.
If you don’t like what I have to say, I hear there’s a bridge these days for jumping…
What’s the correlation?
Sigh. Well done o. Brilliant reasoning.
Dear @TeleDaveDeko, I saw that bridge yesterday but I didn’t jump. I love to spin and twist mid-air when I jump off but the water was too shallow for that kinda acrobatic jump and ‘feel-good’ swimming.
My comment is conditional (see quote below); everyone – including jumpers – MUST have their say and should be open to new knowledge, superior reasoning and fresh ideas that are verifiable and useful (kinda). I don’t think it does anyone any good to be like my friend, Udeme, who will never shift ground because he heard (and believe) that Ghana is a state in Nigeria.
*** my humble opinion though.
Na true na. You women get all the love.
Ghana is a state in Nigeria?
Now we know that Americans aren’t the only ones with that kind of outlook on the world…