Affordable Co-working Space in Lekki - Ajah

Anyway, I was just about to post this on radar before seeing a similar topic on TC’s front page. I just left my 9-5 and want to fully focus on my startup.
Problem is I think I’ll be bored working from home and would like to join a coworking space. As much as I’d like to join CapSqr and Venia Hub (which I just discovered), both places are quite out of my reach for now.

Have an idea of an affordable coworking space within the Lekki-Ajah axis? I’d like to know them. Will also appreciate any advice on how to better function with “the work from home dilemma”. Thanks

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If you’ll be bored working from home, you should probably find another 9-5 while you figure out some work thats interesting regardless of location

I think that’s unfair to say.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting people in your work environment. Whether you interact with them or not, it helps to have people going out and about doing their own thing.

I don’t think the type of work being done is to blame for such a primal human desire: to interact with other people.


Afterall it’s an open forum so you’re free to run your mouth.


Hi, my name is Kola and I am the CEO of Venia Group, parent company of Venia Hub, Venia Serviced Spaces and AutoGenius. Sorry to hear that your budget couldn’t get you a space at our Hub. However, I love to hear great start-up stories and so we may be able to provide you a space that works, and at your budget. Contact me via and I will get one of our Community Managers to be in touch. Congratulations on your new move, I hope it pays off.


Thanks Mr Kola, I’ll send the mail right away.

I have a co-working space available at Herbert Macaulay(Close to cchub). If you don’t mind.

Uploading IMG_2750.JPG…


Nice but I’m on the Lekki-Ajah axis…

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Where is your space at exactly?

Alagomeji Yaba

Hi, We have a post about coworking spaces in lekki


Thank you for this article @olammide.

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@delurge I could come over to your crib or perhaps you could come down to mine. We could do something together…

Hello @Bidemi_Adeshina …I posted a similar topic looking for a co-sharing space. I have a team of 4 presently and i won’t mind if i can get the costing.

I will appreciate your prompt response.


Hi there…
I have the answer you are seeking… a room for office space just opened up at out “hackerhouse”…
let me know if you are interested.

Thanks for your response @silasneo. I am interested. Can i have more details about the place?


My e-mail is


HI @taymethorpe : checkout this my new post - Another cosy office space is available... move to Yaba where tech lives…


Alright Sure. I will and get back to you immediately.


@silasneo: This thread was for recommending co-working space in Lekki/Ajah environs. I think your topic about your Yaba space was sufficient. You didn’t have to bring it here!


Update: I just created a Local Business directory to search and discover new places in and around Lekki and environs. Please check it out and share your thoughts. Thanks.