BambooSMS+ : Free Premium Service and SMS for Beta Testers


Don’t ever lose your contacts, messages or call history (again!)

The team and I spent the last couple of weeks creating a service we’ve called BambooSMS+. The idea is to give you access to your text messages, calls and contacts, no matter where you are or what you are using or how many phones/mobile devices you have.

We are out with the Android and Web app. It’s in beta testing mode right now, so it’s not open to everyone just yet. To join our list of testers and download the app or find out much more about BambooSMS+, please go to, click on Join Beta Community to access the download and provide feedback on the channel. There’s a link on the app to do that too.

We are anxious to get feedback, criticisms and questions as we move towards production.

Warning: We’ve got a ton of features on there. Our Bugs are user-friendly but they tend to get lost at times so if you see any of them, please send them our way and we’ll make sure they don’t get lost again :smile:

At the end of the beta testing phase, every tester will receive a free one-year subscription with all the features included and 100 SMS units**.

And for every unique feature request that makes it into production, we would be more than happy to give out 250 SMS Units** to the poster.

P.S: Please join the Beta Community on Google+ to download the app.

** The SMS Units are most suitable for BulkSMS messaging on the service.


Great service you got there @dftaiwo. Really unique and a break from the usual stuff. well done to the team.

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Is there an iOS version?

Good one @dftaiwo :clap: :clap: :clap:

I was really glad to see that there was a pricing section on the landing page. Because, you know what they say about “free” services; the users are the product :grin:


I’m happy to say that the iOS version in the works. We are taking the next two weeks to learn a few lessons and make sure we don’t carry over any ‘wrong’ or DOA features/flows into the iOS version.

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Taking a cue from the greats this time - We want inflow (cash) from day 1. Well, in this case, maybe day 30 when the trial period ends.


Are you going to require iOS users to jailbreak their devices because last time I checked, third party applications can’t access call history or the SMS database.

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Jailbreaking isn’t something most users would be happy to do for many reasons, causing us to only provide you access on your iOS device to those things if you had a second device (Android) and sadly, a more limited set of features.

This is also the reason why WhatsApp web won’t work for iPhones, so exasperating how closed that ecosystem is sometimes.

Yes. Sometimes freedom and some levels of security are mutually exclusive, as in the design of iOS.

I want freedom, that’s why I use Android, well done Bro! FInally something I can use to Back up my SMS and call history :smile:
With the cool real time features on this, I’ll be Waiting for a web App that would tell me my phone is ringing in the room while I am outside with my PC :smile:

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