I am working on an entrepreneurial blog but dont know the best method of advertisement platform to use that will ensure maximum result within a period of 3 months. The target country is Nigeria. Please what do you suggest and why?
I am working on an entrepreneurial blog but dont know the best method of advertisement platform to use that will ensure maximum result within a period of 3 months. The target country is Nigeria. Please what do you suggest and why?
Advertise or get more traffic?
But then, if you need traffic, take these below into consideration:
And more, you could monetize by selling entrepreneurship materials or promoting some using Online Retailers
Blogging is not a 3 months business… the earlier you start the better…
Blogging is about the traffic you get… the advertisement platform does not really matter…
As @Godmode suggested, 3 months is too short to build a successful blog. You first have to understand what is unique about your blog - you, your guests, your visitors or your content. Once you figure it out, build on it and it will attract the right audience. But 3 months is too short to see tangible results as it is a long game… All the best!
Thanks for contributing
Thanks, I do appreciate your comment!
Thank you for your advice!