The lack of data start-ups in nigeria

Funny thing about this response is I didn’t even access your website on a computer :smiley: But that’s by the way, I have made my point. Please stop sending me private messages related to this anymore!

I’m sorry bro! * duffs hat *

I’ve edited post.

av said wat i gotta say. Watch it

And that’s how an otherwise informative thread gets thrown to the cleaners.

Both of you are bigger than this. Stop the antagonism coming from both sides. Biko.

@techscorpion he dosent get why i have been really angry. He still thinks it is because he opened records. A site in testing.

The problem is not both sides, it’s from one and that’s @dataGuru. I mean why so defensive?

at least am not hiding behind a psuedo name. A false cyber identity to commit my malicious acts.

There’s this thing called diplomacy.

Theres a thing called transparency.

Hey im affliated to xyz startup, that wont be the end.


I’m actually not happy about how this whole thing has played out.

@dataguru (now @deleteduser01) wasn’t 100% transparent about I’ve seen worse happen. It’s not really a big deal. It wasn’t a scam. At worst, it was a misplaced growth hacking technique for hers or her client/friend’s benefit. It definitely shouldn’t have degenerated to this level. It is not healthy for the community at all.

I had a very intense Sunday morning debate with her a few weeks ago, and even though I disagreed with her arguments, I completely respect her views, and most importantly her passion. Radar will be infinitely worse if it becomes an echo chamber. We need strongly divergent opinions in order to learn from each other.

TLDR; This whole shit sucks balls.

drops mic

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I may have respected her views (and most importantly, her passion) in the past, but this is full on petty. The pseudothreats didn’t help either. If she was bullied out of the forum, I would agree with your echo chamber reference. In this case however, I see it as the community self purging itself.

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Mate, I agree with you on the pseudo-threats. They were uncalled for. I suspect it got worse in the DMs but that’s between @youngbobby and her.

I actually don’t see anything wrong with how @youngbobby managed it because he had initially asked her if she was affiliated, which she clearly misrepresented. The rest was IMHO, fair game.

Be that as it may, it’s always good to step out of the box and ask

  1. Why are some people not comfortable sharing their early stage work here?
  2. Do people feel intimidated by this forum?
  3. Is this forum friendly to ladies?

I don’t have any answers.

Dear Radar,

I humbly apologise for the turn out of this discussion. I am usually not the one to gain this much attention on conflict related issues. Therefore, I deeply apologise.

Dataguru is a unique user on the radar and for me to invest my time into knowing her, I definitely saw some potentials.

I reacted because I felt manipulated, same way anyone would feel if their PC caught malware coated as a Download link.

Also worthy to note is the fact that she claimed to have my details in her logs and also threatened me with it in my DMs, I think this is the more reason why we should know who we visit :slight_smile:

I am a full advocate of transparency on the web. Inline with the topic of discussion, one of the reasons why we lack data start ups in Nigeria is because we lack transparency.

Dataguru, I know you’re reading this. I apologize. I should have Ignored and when I didn’t Ignore, I should have stopped at the first response. I forgot Ladies are always right. :slight_smile:

I do not wish to aggravate ill thoughts or words on that note.

Thank you.

Back to read-only.


This is why I love Radar. I came on to learn more about tech/startup developments and educate myself but as jara every month or so there is some Game of Thrones like action. God bless the people on this platform. God bless Radar. God bless us all.