The grimace behind the Smile?

If you are or were a Smile internet customer, you know two things. One, that it’s super fast. Two, that your data runs out super quick. There is a third thing, which is not universally applicable, but turned out to be the dealbreaker for me, which is that Smile does not support unlimited data plans.

In any case, lots of people have lots of good and not so good stuff to say about Smile and its service. But that’s not what I’m posting about. It’s about the fact that Smile doesn’t seem to like criticism. Of course, nobody enjoys criticism. But you generally don’t go around pestering bloggers because they wrote a critical article. Sanusi, editor in chief of says he’s been getting calls from Smile about this critical blog post he wrote. The question I want to ask @Supersanusi now is what exactly is the problem, and what did they want?

Thread title h/t to Euphoria9ja

Unless it’s not true, all I am getting here is that Smile needs better PR people. All they needed to do was put out a statement disputing these claims or saying they would look into the complaints. Now they just come across looking emotional and petty. You can’t police people’s thoughts or opinions about your service.

I will say though, it’s possible that the limit just appears to finish faster because the speed IS faster. :tipping_hand_woman:t5:

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Hi Bankole, my first so be nice…please.

Before I answer that, I’ll just like to state a few things:

  1. I have no issues with Smile as a company.
  2. I’m not going after them in anyway, I don’t have any ulterior motives, and I actually do wish them well.
  3. I just think their billing is way off, and needs to be looked into.

From the above you can already get an idea of what kind of conversations I’ve had with them. Lol.

Anyways, to your questions: The problem the way I understand it, is they have issues with the way I have presented the issue, and aren’t “pleased with the article.” There’s the underlying belief that I might be doing a hatchet job for someone against them (at least that’s the impression I’ve been given on the phone). There has also been veiled references about not getting advert or sponsorship deals from them if I continue. (I’ve never had any dealings with them by the way).

That’s pretty much the summary.

Hmm, Quite interesting to note.I use Smile and i know the data runs out fast, I have made attempts to contact them and each time i do, they respond…it may not be timely but i think we should give them a benefit of doubt. @Supersanusi . I read the post you put up, does that mean that you are now working with Smile on issues resolution?

If I were a real journalist :smile:, I would commission an empirical analysis of data consumption across networks to see what’s actually going on. Actually, Smile should commission said study if they are confident that their billing is actually accurate…all the Smile customers I’ve met (without my blogging hat on, by the way) all seem convinced that Smile data runs out a bit too quickly to be normal. So I think I’m with you on that one, just that Smile should get in front of it and spear head the looking into.

That’s not cool in any alternate universe.

@lordbanks. I totally agree with you o…The data has legs and wings. :smile: I think if Smile spear heads this research it will help us understand all the networks we have and why data depletion still lingers.
Bros can you contact them for us the masses :grin:

After the first call yesterday, that was the impression I left with. I explained to the caller, that since they wanted to make a point to me, I would harvest issues and forward to them, and see how they deal with it. However some lady, who “wasn’t obliged to tell me her name” called around 7:20am this morning to say, they were doing no thing, they were going to “call the person I spoke with for a meeting” and that I should note that “smile didn’t appreciate my post.”

So I guess, the bit about helping them gather use cases to investigate is off. :smile:

I have been following up on this discussion and also reaching out to the folks involved, who coincidentally are both my peoples :sunglasses:

I appreciate the fact that Sanusi is standing up to send feedback to Smile on behalf of the subscribers. What has happened so far has been a misunderstanding.

Without doubt, Smile is providing good QoS, arguably the best in the ISP space. There is room for improvement, no doubt, and I am aware they are putting things in place to address all the feedback they have taken on board.

In a matter of time, I expect to see a smiling subscriber base and a proud ISP.

Thanks Radar.

Banks, by the way, are there any plans to arrange an excursion for us to this alternate universe :joy:

I used to be a Smile stan, till the billing became a major issue. I was being billed an average of 1gb per day just by mostly using only my BB10! I’d buy 10gb, it’ll finish in 12 days and it’s not like it’s cheap. I complained to them many times, they said ‘reduce data speed, turn off updates, turn of video streaming, turn off this, turn off that’ I still spoke with their customer service person yesterday and I asked her what’s the point or the joy of having internet service when I can’t use it for anything?

They keep saying data goes fast because it’s fast but with if I’m on the lowest speed possible and not using the data except for emails and chat, why is it still disappearing. How can I use Etisalat 4gb data for nearly 2 weeks with automatic updates, video streaming etc but use Smile 5Gb in 5 days without any of these? It doesn’t make sense.

You’ll be buy data and you’ll be having heart palpitations that it’ll soon run out. Sometimes, when i buy Smile data, I jerk up awake in the middle of the night to turn of my modem so the data won’t run out before I wake. :joy: Stress.


PR Spinners r us. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You must have the wrong person. I have not spinned a thing.

Agreed. Harassing bloggers though…not the classiest.

Of course they’re your peoples


@4eyedmonk Sep 21
Get double or nothing! Buy 5GB or 10GB and get double to browse nights and weekends #SmileNG @SmileComsNG


@4eyedmonk 23h hours ago
From the comfort of your computer or phone, get SMILE ROUTER from Jumia, visit Buy Computer Parts and Accessories Online | Jumia Nigeria @SmileComsNg #SmileNG


@4eyedmonk Sep 22
What is important to you? Is it reliable fast internet? then visit & get any of SMILE’s devices @SmileComsNg #SmileNG

And on and on and on and on…


Can Supersanusi tell us how they harassed him? let’s not be too judgmental here

Interesting stuff you have here, it’s nice to see that people can come together to talk about issues. I also use smile and yes i have had issues, i just don’t think he came out well with that post, making it look like a publicity stunt for Smile. #JustSaying

You are right, I might have fellow blogger bias.

A publicity stunt for Smile? Howwwwwwww?

yh, like how people fake their deaths…lol

But guys @lordbanks, is influencing a bad thing? Looks like that is what he is trying to say tho. Please I stand to be corrected. Because i want to go into it soon. :mask: