Spreading the love of reading and writing to kids

I am not sure if this is the right place for my request, but we will see. :slight_smile:

At the moment I am working on a website whose purpose is to help kids develop the habit of reading and writing so that they spend less time on computer games. I need help to choose a cool domain name that will be easy for kids to remember, will make sense when mentioned, etc. Having put 10 domain names together, I need a little help to make the final choice. Thanks.

Update: A big thank you to all those who completed the form below. I expected it to appear as a link.

You want to minimize (or eliminate) the use of hyphens in your domain names for ease of use. I think these are more prone to typing errors. My two cents.


Nigerian internet is so forgiving - 2 hours and the domain names are still available.


Don’t like any of the names tbh.

But readnanny.com seems free, sounds good to me.

Check out Leaders are Readers - http://www.leadersarereaders.co.uk/ - You may want to snap up the .ng and com.ng domains. I know it’s not in your shortlist but when it comes to guilt tripping parents to drop their hard earned cash for their kids, with Leaders are Readers or Readers are Leaders - you don’t need to preach too much to the parents before they empty their wallet…

LOL! Maybe the domain names are unattractive to Radar users?

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I am not really worried about someone buying the domains. :slight_smile: Like they say, it’s all about the execution. I also believe the guys here will come up with something better. I think leadersarereaders suggested by Tola is a clear winner at the moment.

Thanks ideadibia for your input. My choices are just a starting point. I like what Tola suggested (leaders are readers) as well as what he/she said about not having to preach too much to parents.

I didn’t mean buy the domains to compete though. Just to punish you for being careless and make you have to come up with a new list. You can’t post like this on mainstream forums and have the domain names available 5 minutes after, and its not even about the money - just unadulterated meanness.

$ is expensive now. Nobody got $10 times 10 or so, to throw around jare, just to punish any careless posting.


That’s good one. :slightly_smiling:

Thanks. I know and understand what you mean. However, I am still convinced that the final choice is probably not even on this list.