I miss having access to my Spotify account, but the Apple Music experience hasn’t been that bad for me. Maybe it’s because I’m just relieved to have a Spotify alternative in Nigeria, or maybe it’s because the app has never crashed on my phone and it works every time I need it to. I agree that some flows are iffy, but for the most part, Apple Music works for me (even though their playlists are still too short - as opposed to playlists on Spotify, which are longer and much more ‘intelligent’).
Re: Your screenshot: I think Mr Suster & Slotnick are quite lucky if Apple Music is actually the worst software they use, but also, I wish they could have said why they think it’s rubbish.
That said, it sucks that Spotify has had to raise money under such terms but if this new round of debt (/funding?) makes it possible for them to expand into places like Nigeria and offer unlimited, offline-enabled music for $4.99 (which is pretty much what I get with Apple Music), then I’m here for it.
P.S. Spotify works without ads if you use the web player (instead of the actual desktop app)
Oh? Could you give some examples of songs that are unavailable, or is it that if you’re in Nigeria, then some playlists just won’t show up in the ‘For You’ tab? I’m asking because so far, I’ve found every song I searched for.
I suspect this would be the case. Similar to Deezer. The kind of songs you search for, are probably the kind with global licensing.
I know Asa was off Deezer Nigeria which is funny because Asa is Nigerian, and you’d think not. But no, I can’t listen to Asa latest album on my Deezer.
Because I’m in Nigeria. So yea. I think it’s the same too, for the new Netflix. Our collection is not equal Yankee collection.
I have a feeling their reasons will be pretty much in line with those I’ve given above. At the end of the day, they’re just another frustrated user, of course with way more clout.
Perhaps your experience is better because you’re a new user, I don’t know. But I’m aware the loudest complainers are people who’ve used iTunes for a long period of time. They find their carefully curated collection is suddenly turned into dust!
The point worth stressing is that Apple created iTunes and literally dictated the tune for the entire music industry to dance to. Singles were uniformly priced 99 cents. It became the largest market for music in the world, despite not directly in the business of creating music. But the world changed on them. Consumption taste changed. People don’t want to ‘own’ anymore but want the full benefits. It’s now about ‘sharing economy’. Streaming happened. And Apple were caught napping hence the rushed Apple Music. But iTunes users were sacrificed to achieve this. The best thing would have been to keep the apps separate. Maybe there was no Steve Jobs to tell them that, they’re were making a fundamental mistake.
All said, comparing performance, curation of playlist, UX etc, Spotify wins hands down. But that’s not surprising since that’s what they’ve built over many years. BTW, thx for the web player tip…I will check it out.
This is not surprising. Honestly feels like the work of a group of bricklayers. Just a concrete mess.
No. Americans and countries with access to the full catalogue pay $9.99 a month. Not $4.99. @akindolu is right. The kind of songs you would search for are easily the ones with global licensing. I was just nitpicking at you saying “unlimited for $4.99” really.
Well, even Apple now admits Apple Music is crap and are doing the needful. Sacking executives and revamping their design. This will all be announced at WDC conference in June. 2 quotes from Bloomberg which puts previous conversation on this thread in context
Zero surprise from me on this one…
And Spotify are indeed gaining subscribers which might explain why they can borrow on those crazy terms
[quote]As iTunes sales stagnate and rival Spotify continues to draw in new subscribers, Apple is attempting to reclaim its dominance in music[/quote].
Streaming music is the new radio. I don’t see any subscription based service as sustainable when people are used to getting music for free. Sell ads creatively.
Influential Apple fans always write the most scathing pieces when dissapointed. Interestingly enough, Om provided a good theory on why Apple is missing it’s way (which also applies to all startups), which is because of how they see the world…or perceive the solution.
Lol, If he asked my advice for free months ago, he wouldn’t just be saying this today