Real World Design Challenge: Fixing Education with Design

Let’s not sugarcoat it: our educational system is a spangled spaghetti mess. It often seems like we’re constantly trying to play catch up just to fill the knowledge chasm that’s needed to be relevant in the modern day Nigeria.

So to the Question: How do we use Design to improve learning in Nigeria? How can we wield design to ensure a better learning experience for students, taking into consideration the 6-3-3-4 structure?

++ @felixchip @SignorChuksy @Silm


This is big.

Taking on this will be interesting.
But, how far the ATM challenge. Didn’t hear anything about it again. Looks like it’s been put aside.

I’ve been seriously busy recently. If not I’d have liked to take on that of the ATM. But, that notwithstanding, what exactly are we tackling on this challenge?
'Cause an average Nigerian Teacher/Lecturer won’t be easily convinced that design has or can change the way Education is being run in Nigeria.

I would suggest green design i.e. pumping money into the sector. :smiley:. I am trying to wrap my head round that question. Probably you could share your thoughts to shed more light and open the floor

The major challenge with pumping money into the sector is that, more often than not, the money has no direction. You could increase teachers wages, you could build new schools and have them equipped, you could update the Syllabus to become more relevant to 2016 opportunities, but without some kind of educational system that ensures the children being taught are able to grasp these concepts, without a cohesive environment that encourages the children think without restrictions, equip them with skills and inform & guide their future choices…the money will just end up in some senators pocket as Alert.

@felixchip How can we make Learning effective with design?

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Instruction … an instruction is a form of communicated information … for how an action, behavior, method, or task is to be begun, completed, conducted, or executed (Wikipedia, 2006a)

Design … the process of originating and developing a plan for aesthetic and functional objects … requiring considerable research, thought, modelling, iterative adjustment and re-design … (Wikipedia, 2006b)

Instructional Design … the analysis of learning needs and systematic development of instruction … that if followed, will facilitate the transfer of knowledge, skills and attitude to the recipient or acquirer of the instruction … (Wikipedia, 2006c)


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Fixing Education with Tech should have been this topic, or how to improve User Experience from primary to tertiary.

Let me take a little crack at this.

  1. Early Developmental Stage: From Daycare to Nursery begin to look at talents and IQ development with flare for those strong in Science, Tech, Engineering and Maths using the See, Feel, Construct teaching model. This can take from

  2. Middle Development Stage: From Nursery to Primary more IQ test are done with aim of finding talents and creating Special advanced curriculum for them, the students typically can learn from anywhere( Creating an online platform for this), 5 YEARS WITH SIXTH YEAR AS ADVANCED CLASS.

  3. Junior Development Stage: Junior High, here New Century curriculum thought with practical usage from Software development to City/Urban renewal planning, more IQ test, Special curriculum, Students choose subjects based on interest and applications hence no more maths, english, biology but Social interactions, Technology and Growth, Chemistry and Advanced Science etc etc. 2 YEARS WITH THIRD YEAR GROUP PROJECT DEMONSTRATION

  4. Senior Development Stage: Advanced form of what was thought with assigned real life teachers training on topics . 2 YEARS WITH THESIS DONE AT END OF YEAR.

Here they sit for WAEC( We can create a new examination curriculum based on what was learnt so far) and they sit for it.

  1. Advanced Development Stage: Students with High grade are accepted into Unis or colleges focusing on particular subjectsd where they have 2 streams: Educational and Practical, in education stream you learn theoretical knowledge and can practise and design systems with such knowledge and would attend lectures yidi yada… for practical stream, from day 1 you are assigned ideas from the education class to research on and youre classes are based on practical research on ideas for real world problem solving.

so basically this is my proposal in a nutshell.

  1. Create Special Ed schools who go against training norms and stimulate IQ training with quantitative reasoning and application of ideas for real world problem solutions

  2. Advanced Stream system so people can easilly graduate on time and implement ideas

  3. Change curriculum and nomenclature to suit problems and projected problems and have classes to solve this.

  4. IQ development is a priority

  5. 2 streams for tertiary education: practical and theoretical based on research.

  6. Let companies involved in this programme be case studies and those who are in fore front of this industries train young and developing children.

Tools needed will mostly be online eduportals with range of subjects, video recording tools, email service.

The design of the portals will go from stage to stage etc.

Your thoughts


Are you sure you’re talking about Nigeria? :no_mouth:

OP Post said,

Yes Nigeria, it can be led from a private sector push or public depending on will.

Okay… Which educational system are we looking up to? The British, American? Those people are still trying to crack learning. If you ever heard about student loans or debt, you will know how expensive the educational system is over there and how much money is pumped into that system.

Learning has to do with more internal motivation than external motivation, this holds true for everyone even you. Almost everything you ever learnt there was a reason for it. Unfortunately our environment doesn’t currently care much for intellectual qualities rather placing more emphasis on entertainment and all.

So I would humbly suggest that you fix things that can affect the internal motivation, things like our reward system, learning environment and all.

BTW, when I said money pumped into the system, I meant into the system, not into anyone’s pockets


Design will not fix our education. At least not just yet. What we need to fix are the people in education. The lecturers and teachers. Once u fix them, they will automatically improve education and learning and champion the cause of design when it is needed. @ least for the tertiary institution space.