Questionnaire for Tailors / Makers of made-to-order clothing

Hi guys. I’m trying to build a solution for the made-to-order clothing sector of Nigeria.

I’ve prepared a questionnaire to validate some ideas I’ve got about the market but I can’t seem to find enough tailors.

Could you guys please help pass on the link to tailors and makers of made-to-order clothing?

Here it is questionnaire. Also, suggestions on how to reach them besides Radar is cool.

But the real issue in this made-to-order space isn’t really about the payment, but the Tailors’ anyhowness /bad work ethic. I personally don’t think holding a part of the payment due to a tailor changes anything. A lot of these Tailors (and artisans in general) are just dickheads

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hi stigwue, I love the idea but i will have to go with dapo on this one, most - if not all- of the tailor in Nigeria have a bad attitude when it comes to sewing people clothes. They dont keep to their pickup time and have a ruth way of talking to their customer

Not to discourage you, i will prefer you be the middleman between client and the tailor, you can be the MR NICE GUY to the clients and the RIPPO MAN to the tailors.

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Thanks guys @xtremeleo and @Dapo , there’s one for users of made-to-order clothing too on here client questionnaire.

You could put your views on there but what I really need are the tailors.

Why are you targeting one vertical for your escrow service + what informed the made-to-order choice?

Three reasons:

  1. Punctuality is easily measured (it is boolean and already has a unit, time). Quality will come later.
  2. Made-to-order clothing seems to be the lowest hanging fruit. (You could suggest another).
  3. I’m trying to scratch my own itch.

Maybe P2P commerce (your twitter/FB/instagram crowd), classified (OLX, Effritin etc)?

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I had a brief stint in a fashion house, sometime ago. From my very short time there, one of the trouble for the tailor was, the abandonment of clothes. Customers would refuse to come pick up finished wears.

At this very place, there were clothes abandoned for over a year, and this obviously meant services unpaid for.

Then, there were the customers that would bring in a material today, pick a very complex design and want to pick it up the next day.

As regards frequency of orders, the house was doing a minimum of 5/week.

A big pain point from the customer side; The clothes were usually, if not all the time, never ready at the date given by the tailor for collection.

Then there’s the part of oversewing / undersewing, where the cloth is either bigger than the measurement taken or too tight.

@stigwue, you can add any of the aforementioned to your list for itch scratching… :walking:


My 1st hand experience with them completely validates your statement on their work ethics - but, how about schooling them like Uber does. I see a winner here!

Thanks peeps. If you guys could send the link to more tailors, it will be cool. Here it is again: