Predict, which startups will fail

A lot of new startups coming up, even with mine but i was just thinking which startup will fail, a lot have had, especially in our incubator hubs but from a trending point of view which do you think will fail say 5-10 years from now. i am just saying. what do you think?

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


Why not say,“which start up would succeed” :unamused:


@udemesamuel, Are you limiting to this topic to Nigerian Startups, African Startups or Global Startups?

@davidsmith8900 we are in naija???

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Who will be the first to die? I or you?

In Patience Jonathan’s voice “I will rather commit suicide than kill myself”


@sprime what about, which startup would succeed (fail).

BigCabal :yum:

Don’t encourage them.

@udemesamuel, not all of us that come to TechCabal’s Radar are in Naija.

I’m beginning to realise this, and that on its own is really cool…

@udemesamuel, I think 2 years is still a short time. What about in 5 years? Nonetheless, AfriHunt and Agegelist are struggling as of now. They might be dead very soon, if they don’t step their game up.


Why didn’t they promote their products??

Its always so painful each time I see a really nice Nigerian/African product/service so under used…

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Lol this thread. And people call ME a negative nancy.


@udemesamuel, there are alot of more startups I can mention but when you say new, do you mean startups that came out in 2015 - 2016 range, or startups that came out in 2010 - 2014? I feel like alot of startups that came out in 2010 - 2014 can die within 2 years. To be sincere, Im amazed that Nairaland, Jobberman and IrokoTV, haven’t died yet. I believe in the use it or lose it mentality, so when I see Nairaland or Jobberman not advancing or moving forward, it shocks me that a competitor hasn’t taken their spot. I had faith in YarnMe and PushCV but I haven’t heard from them since. Also like I really want Mr. Jason Njoku to win, and IrokoTV is a great idea, but I never thought that Nigeria’s Internet Market was ready for it. No wonder they compare it to Netflix. It took Netflix about 10 years to be the best in the game. Netflix is 18 years old now. Will it also take IrokoTV 10 - 18 years to be as dominant as Netflix? Like who has the money and time to spend so much money on expensive data just to watch a movie? I’m even startled that they got $19 million for an app that has a max of less than 600,000 app downloads. I swear, I need to know how this funding thing works. Also MyPaga or simply Paga got $13 million from investors and yet, I can’t name 10,000 people that actually use their service. They don’t even have up to 60,000 app downloads. Like what is going on?


Fund raising is an art…the more you look the less you see. So don’t look…just raise!


Lol… Nigeria’s Online presence is slowly coming up, as you can see radar is the only dedicated forum for techies in Nigeria. Where among these Nigerian techies are people who make beautiful websites, like really beautiful stuffs, but radar is the only dedicated one I know of…

There are so many dot com companies that haven’t being challenged and I think its cos people who want to come up and challenge tend to focus on too much at once… And in doing so, they get overwhelmed and feel like it isn’t working…

But if they had started small, and reiterated a proper design and implementation process, it would have been easier to come out with a solid foundation and do something that makes better sense.

They may not do the whole iteration, but starting small is key to having a smaller focus, which makes for a system which is easier to manage, troubleshoot and scale up.



It’ll never catch on. Myspace is already a market leader. He should have sold it.


LMAO! Yea Facebook…

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@sprime, I understand where you are coming from.