Laundrybag; An app for your laundry needs; Still in BETA

Hey guys, can you please review our Laundry Bot on facebook? It’s got bugs though. We are also working to release a skype bot too given most of our users are working class with skype as a major corporate comm. channel.

Facebook Bot:

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will check it out…am a bot builder myself. Its gr8 seeing guys like you doing fantastic jobs like this

I am no expert but here are my observations and sugĝstions:
firstly, the number selection process is too cumbersome and complicated…its not user friendly
e.g > Select laundry items and quantities. Please follow the format strictly.

> Here’s an example: 5x3, 6x1
> Where 5 and 6 are laundry items while 3 and 1 are their corresponding quantities. Separate each pair with a comma ‘,’.

secondly, There are over 72 numbering and i have to keep scrolling to see the types of cloths to select…not good in terms of CI (conversational interface)
e.g > 58. Wedding Gown - N2600.00
> 59. Bridal dress - N1900.00
> 60. Kitchen Apron - N600.00
> 61. Cover All - N1100.00
> – Kids –
> 69. Kids Shirts - N175.00
> 70. Kids Trouser - N175.00
> 71. Kids Dress - N175.00
> 72. Kids Shorts - N175.

thirdly, your bot should try as much as possible to detect basic intents instead of using number selections …it feels more like a USSD interface.
for example, i typed “i want to order for a lundry wash” and the bot replied “Please select a number from the options above”…at least it should detect my intent to order for a wash.

Lastly, try and use images and cards to simplify as much as possible. If you need more suggestions or for some recommendations DM me.
Welldone by the way.


Thanks alot. We used our USSD interface for this. But we are working on NLU right now. Thanks

hey guys. anybody tried this out yet. i think this is a pretty cool idea. what do you think