Hey guys, can you please review our Laundry Bot on facebook? It’s got bugs though. We are also working to release a skype bot too given most of our users are working class with skype as a major corporate comm. channel.
I am no expert but here are my observations and sugĝstions:
firstly, the number selection process is too cumbersome and complicated…its not user friendly
e.g > Select laundry items and quantities. Please follow the format strictly.
> Here’s an example: 5x3, 6x1 > Where 5 and 6 are laundry items while 3 and 1 are their corresponding quantities. Separate each pair with a comma ‘,’.
secondly, There are over 72 numbering and i have to keep scrolling to see the types of cloths to select…not good in terms of CI (conversational interface)
e.g > 58. Wedding Gown - N2600.00 > 59. Bridal dress - N1900.00 > 60. Kitchen Apron - N600.00 > 61. Cover All - N1100.00 > – Kids – > 69. Kids Shirts - N175.00 > 70. Kids Trouser - N175.00 > 71. Kids Dress - N175.00 > 72. Kids Shorts - N175.
thirdly, your bot should try as much as possible to detect basic intents instead of using number selections …it feels more like a USSD interface.
for example, i typed “i want to order for a lundry wash” and the bot replied “Please select a number from the options above”…at least it should detect my intent to order for a wash.
Lastly, try and use images and cards to simplify as much as possible. If you need more suggestions or for some recommendations DM me.
Welldone by the way.