I Want To Learn Programming - Is Java The Best To Start With?

First start with something that matters to you.

For example you mentioned you have profitable WordPress blogs. They generate more money monthly than your salary. That’s good!

Have you thought of making some modifications to them? Tweaking something or the other to make them better?

If you learned PHP, you could make those upgrades yourself. You can continue to improve your blogs til they’re making enough money for you to quit your job or hire someone to do some things for you.

You mentioned you helped a friend get a lot of downloads for their app. Maybe you wanna learn to build your own app and add it to the list of things that are generating money for you.

In that case Java might be the way to go.

What I’m getting at is that you should find a project you’re interested in pursuing first. That will determine the language you should look into.

Majority of learning is practice, and you won’t get that digesting theory. You need something to work on for your programming lessons to stick.

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What if you have no project that interest you, but are just curious about programming?

True, I have a wordpress blog too and conversant with php

@akamaozu I do have several app ideas and project to kickstart once I am through with the course. That’s my driving force plus the huge online traffic I am currently receiving.

Here is an outline from New Horizon:

Software Engineering provides the software engineering fundamentals, principles and skills needed to develop and maintain high quality software products. The software engineering processes and techniques covered include requirements specification, design, implementation, testing and management of software projects.At the end of each chapter, the reader will be able to perform tangible software engineering tasks by applying the learned techniques and methods, will be familiar with the terminology, the principles by mastering the subjects, and will be able to analyze existing task deliverables, compare and critique the different techniques. In addition, Software Engineering can be used by practitioners who need to refresh their knowledge with the latest in software engineering techniques and processes. The prerequisite to this is to have a background in an object-oriented programming language.
Certificate Earned
Oracle Java Certified Associate, Oracle Java certified Professional
Course Outline
A. Relational Design

B. SQL Fundamentals of Query

C. Introduction to Programming using Java

D. Object Oriented Programming

E. Java Intermediate Programming

F. Java Advance Programming

Do you think I can learn effectively with this? It covers the OOP you guys discussed.

General knowledge is easy to acquire.

In a month you can learn how to produce “hello world” in eight different languages; that’s two a week.

In another month you can learn the basic data structures in two of those languages, basic transformations and iterating over collections of data.

One more month and you could replicate that knowledge over the remaining six.

In three months you can learn the basics of eight different languages.

What then?

You don’t learn the hard valuable things if you don’t have something pushing you to the limits.

When you have to build a website that delivers pages in less than a second, you learn about caching.

When you need to make quick queries over large datasets, you learn about indexing and sharding.

When you need to build a performant game, you learn how to break down really complex calculations into very tight time windows.

When you have something real to make, you’ll have to learn the real principles of programming, not the syntax of a language. That is the programming knowledge you want.

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@Ogechi_Daniel_Ndukwe visit https://goo.gl/F7ZCXX to register for a programming course. You have the option of selecting a programming language i.e Either Java Programming or Web(PHP). Hurry with the registration, the class is starting tomorrow . Though tomorrow’s class is just an introductory class and briefing on the importance of either of these programming languages.

Anyone that pays to learn programming in Nigeria is not ready to learn how to code…


People have different learning styles.

I don’t think your particular course or strategy matters as long as there is a lot of practicals. Most of the course should be practical.

Just make sure New Horizons offers a lot of practicals or you’ll end up wasting your time and money.

+1 for “avoid PHP as your first language”.

A lot of things are actually wrong with picking up PHP first. Why you see statements like “PHP sucks” all over the web is because of the messy codes written by those that picked up PHP first. PHP is loosely typed, without a decent knowledge about types, one can not be said to be a good a programmer.

PHP sucks. JavaScript sucks. C sucks. Java sucks.

What doesn’t suck?

There’s terrible code in every language. Moreso in PHP and JavaScript because of their ease of accessibility.

Accessibility is how easy it is to get into a language. Newbies need accessibility.

That is not correct. If you are talking about the approach to the solution, that is a different thing.
In PHP this can go, while it sucks
$intNum = 25;
$floatNum = 3.5;
echo $intNum + $floatNum; // this code sucks runs well

On the other hand in C#,
int x = 25;
float y = 3.5;
Response.write(x + y); // this code sucks and therefore it won’t run

How about function or method parameter signature(s)? The fact that you don’t need to specify the type of argument in PHP can cause a whole lot of things to go wrong even without you easily suspecting where the bug might be coming from. Point is, some languages like PHP and Javascript allows one to write bad codes without even flagging it, while some languages like C#, JAVA would not allow one to write certain bad codes.

Don’t encourage someone to start learning programming with PHP or even Javascript. There are better options.


So your argument here is that type coercion is “the big baddie of programming”.

All programming problems stem from it and once removed your code is now good, right?

:smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk:

If you’re not able to suspect where problems exist because the language allows type coercion, you probably think you’re a better programmer than you really are.

Free hint … check your own expected type if the language doesn’t automatically do it for you. It’s really that simple.


Take that back!!! We all learn differently, some people can learn on their own while some others learn better by being taught. That you probably learnt on your own doesn’t justify your statement.

I know people who I taught programming and are doing very well today, and they paid to learn.

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PHP was the first language in which I wrote something tangible and today I write ANY language I like. Mostly Java and PHP. In my walk, I’ve seen that bad programmers are bad and the language they use doesn’t matter. I’ve seen developers who use Java like they were writing C or PHP. Type definition might help you prevent bugs but it’s not what decides how good you code either.


My own view is clearly different. I’d say do not bother about the whole programming thing, just stick to marketing and business development which you are already good at. There is a world of opportunities in that area.

@okeziestanley I only want to learn programming so can I build MVP mobile app since it’s difficult to connect with developers in Nigeria who are aready building their project rather than dedicating their time to your ideas

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you nailed it

@gees02 yea

codeacademy.com or download ebook. That’s the best way to learn. Also, some video tutorials might help.