I Need a website

I Need a simple website where I can upload PDF files, lets users upload, download and also read files.

I don’t Need WordPress please.

If you are Interested In helping me. lets talk.


Hello, Chukwuka, I am interested in helping you get a highly function and secured website. I am contacting you as you stated in the post. How can we get to talk. My email is chiefenoch@gmail.com. Thanks

Send me the specs here. chrisnwasike@gmail.com. Lemme know what ur budget is. No WordPress? Agreed.

You can contact me, bosaonline4eva@gmail.com. I build custom applications that stand the test of time. Here’s one you can check out, www.mobi2sms.com (5+ years old) to test my capabilities. Thanks!

i will do that for you at a very cheap price 30k for every thing plus domain and hosting contact me on 08130687861 call/ whatsapp or email me at vicsrel@gmail.com

OK. Someone is here

Hahaha what??:joy:


Lol. What you see is what you get.

The Nairalanders are here :confused:


Being this cheap doesn’t inspire confidence oooo :grinning:

I’m not sure you’d know the difference from an end users perspective but if you’re looking for a web developer for the particular job, kindly send a whatsapp message to 07031002202 or a mail with all your specifications to info@t2echsolutions.biz. thanks

I’m interested man. Let’s talk more. emmanueladegor2@gmail.com

Then what’s the fun in it?

I will do that for you at a cheap price contact me on 08130687861 call/whatsapp or email me vicsrel@gmail.com

Definitely looks like it was built 5 years ago. Test of time is a bull shit excuse here. Update your website.


@efemoney you just said what was on my mind…the site made me feel like i was browsing with Operamini 2.3…
@bosaonline you really need to rebuild that your “capability” if you intend using that www.mobi2sms.com as a prototype of your capability

Did you attempt to use the website? Have you heard of what doesn’t show on the face? When you make comments, think properly as well. Bullshit is an application that failed in a short time.

Concerning updating my website, if you must know, there are many services connected to it. If you must criticize a website do your research properly and don’t make premature statements.

If you must know, without being told, graphics are deliberately taken off the site for industrial reasons which are winning. It’s no crime that I’m making my money clean and easy providing good service to end users and industrially.

Hol’ up. What’s wrong with @bosaonline 's site other than it looks like it was built 5 years ago?

Is it the lack of the common large hero image or background video or scroll highjacks or any other 2015 trendy feature mentioned here and here?

At best maybe he just needs to update the social sharing icons.

If the site works well (especially for its users) then it’s fine. No need to be trendy.

My dear, it has been a lot of hard work on that simple looking website. Like I earlier mentioned, the graphics are excluded “deliberately”. This is to make the website still usable as fast as a calculator despite the many end user, sales manager and enterprise features hidden in it. The service is more often sold industrially.

It does mean, we cannot develop the “universe” as an SMS site and hey, we’re the first to solve the DND problem with Bulk SMS sites so people are moving to us (critics should look here: www.nairaland.com/3212307/what-happen-bulk-sms-ncc#3212307.6). That’s intelligence! Most importantly, speaking of social sharing, we setup a Blog in July (http://blog.mobi2sms.com) and have better plans for advertising.

We’re not advertising the website anymore, we’re advertising applications of clients using it. That’s why we’re building healthy customer relationships every day. Again, critics should check the Founder’s portfolio (Google is a friend!).