I’m Yele Bademosi, Founder & Managing Partner of Microtraction, ASK ME ANYTHING!

Our objective hasn’t changed — we want to be the first gear for ambitious founders.

However the biggest thing that has changed so far is our application form, we initially started out with more open-ended questions but now the majority of our questions are multi-choice — we realised that it took founders a long time to fill the form and on our end founders weren’t answering questions succinctly and usually had clarify with follow-up questions after reading the form.

With multi-choice it’s easier and faster for founders to fill the application and we also get a better sense of who the founders are, what they are working on and where they are at currently on our end.

We are constantly iterating our processes and we believe we’ll be able to achieve our goal of being a hassle-free funding option for pre-traction startups.