Full stack Javascript Developer Needed

Jquery is a 98% DOM library, Angular is a framework, if your case is about using jquery then I believe there’s no worries anymore as Angular uses Jquery Lite/Jquery when handling directives.

The discussion is around frameworks because its easier to have Devs work with it, than a company rolling out theirs and spending amount and time and efforts testing and benchmarking their own framework. Which is why people go with frameworks. Its implied that JavaScript Devs must understand core of JavaScript before diving into frameworks.

I said I can’t think of any that beats angular as they offer the same features react and inferno are components based frameworks like Angular 2 am not talking about performance am talking about features.

Maybe we should have this discussion outside this thread. I use Vue I find the api cleaner. Angular 2 mehn its like Java meets Frontend

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I second that

But you see, Radarians don’t like having this discussion.

The argument of “use the tool that works for you” is all well and good, but I’ve noticed devs use this as an excuse to keep in their shell. Php devs want to use Php for everything… everything. When you talk they say. Its just a tool
I personally feel that mantra has somewhat made people a bit close minded on other viable options.
All I’m asking is for devs and devs employers to be a bit more open minded when choosing these “tools”
Especially when starting out


Really? Angular is at the bottom of almost every framework benchmark out there.
These statements make me wonder how many frameworks you know about.

Seems you can only think of 2 (React & Inferno) which is a drop in the ocean of frameworks out there. As for features, you’d be surprised.
The best don’t always become the most popular.

There’s a better everything as far as Angular is concerned.

I currently use Vue exclusively.


This is only half of the picture. Also important is using the right tool for the job.
Smoothing wood with your palm might work for you, but your palm is not sandpaper.

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Sorry its hard keeping track of Js frameworks there’s way too many. Its possible one was created as we were debating. But I don’t mind keeping updated with the good ones :slight_smile:


You’re right. Maybe it’s just you.

I, as well as the community, would rather you were specific about the particular benchmarks you’re talking about ( even if they’re just links so we could go have a look see ).

Your argument against angular is meant to inform (which is the purpose of a conversation) rather than attempt to dissuade without concrete points.

Still not saying anything in context. What are the features you like about the framework you’re rooting for? How do the features help your own workflow and that of your team (if you work with one)? etc.

You do realize that your analogy implies Angular isn’t any kind of ‘sandpaper’ right?
What is the ‘right tool’?..

Does the fact that another framework does something in a ‘better way’ than Angular now make it the ‘wrong tool’?
One could say that its a tool that doesn’t do said thing properly or even worse, an outdated tool but to say its the wrong tool isn’t proper… An old hammer is still a hammer. You may have one that does things better (in more shiny way) but saying the old hammer is now a stone is what I’m talking about (which is the palm you brought up as compared to sandpaper)


All these arguments over angular where react is steady on the rise.

Not to mention more useful, learn react and you can write mobile apps with react native.

You can also build native apps with angular 2 using nativescript

Though the point that react is steadily on the rise is true. we would soon have fiber which would make react obsolete in no time :slight_smile:

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Devs and their toys. :confused:


Guy just wants a developer though. :joy::joy::joy:


I take blame for this lol

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I don’t know why people get so attached to framework or tools they use.

I don’t think angular 2 can phase out Angular 1.x

I doubt it but with time. Though 1.5 is written in a way to migrate users slowly to Angular 2. Angular 1.x is just too magical for my liking

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Sigh thats why when Startups list their candidate they would put 300 frameworks, 4 languages and other sub childrens as qualification because developers would nitpick at each other on best platform to use which defeats the idea, the Product must be easy to use, scaleable, stable and easy on the eyes and of course intuitive and keep updating, there is no BEST framework, its how you use what you have that matters but then you must upgrade to match your pairs always.

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