Flutterwave is organising a program for developers in March

Flutterwave is partnering with Heroku, Trustwave and NIBBS to organise a developer program this March. The Flutterwave Developer Program is for developers interested in learning about Flutterwave APIs and how they can be integrated into different platforms. It’ll run for four weeks, after which, the developers will become certified to work with Flutterwave’s platforms.

Certified Flutterwave developers will earn a percentage of the transaction fees for merchants they integrate, and will possibly be recognised and rewarded with benefits as Flutterwave Partners (that’s if their integration transactions rise above a certain threshold).

The program’s starting March 1, 2017. If you’re interested, apply here.`


Developers don’t dull yourself, revenue stream aye.

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The program, is it something one can partake in remotely?

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@Seguleh1st :point_up_2:

Remote or physical, you can parspate at your leyshure.

I am finding it difficult to signup.
Signup button not responding

any news. on the program?

My guy! :+1: