Facebook is about to replace the "Like" button

The Bloomberg has a fairly lenghty article explaining that Facebook’s Like Button might be replaced soon.
( Remember that Twitter recently changed “Favourite” button to Heart? )

As a background, the Like button is used 6 billion times daily on Facebook.

The full article is a good read for founders to know how to approach making changes to their products.

Spoil the next 15 minutes on the story.

All I have done is spoil the past 18hrs waiting for you to implement the hyperlink.

Or is this where the story ends? @spokentwice :confused:

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Won’t happen, ever. The “like” button is an integral part of Facebook.

My Chest :cry::cry::cry:

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I have updated the link. Seems Radar (or Discourse platform) does not like link to start with “www” and had to change it to “http://”

Wait for its roll out.

I included the naked link to the article here: Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The way you said it made it sound like something else. I’ve known about “reactions” for a long time, nothing new.

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