Does it mean all technical guys that ranked high on Github actually mean the are better than those who were not ranked on Gitbub?

Hello, this is also for learning purpose too. There was a super secretive list of top programmers that TC had and been good somebodies the released it (haha- I love that TC writer write up on that post)

So I want to know, does it mean all programmers that ranked high on Github are actually better than those who were not ranked on Github that is the are not on Github?.

Or does it mean all programmers are on GIthub?

Thanks do inform me.

@chimexy A lot of programmers use github but there are many more version control platforms like gitlab and bitbucket. Most people prefer github because it is free for open source repos that can be accessed by the public, while you have to choose a plan to get private repos for private projects. So I would say the list cannot be used to determine if those on the list are better than others that don’t use github, because there are other version control platforms and it is all up to personal preference.

Not really. The Github rating is based in the total number of stars that the person’s public repositories have. This is a very rough estimate of someone’s success in open source development. However, this punishes people that contribute to other repositories that they do not own.

This means that, for example, someone who has contributed substantially to React or Angular, but owns no popular public repository will rank lower than someone who wrote a very small library that a few people stared.

Another thing to note is that contribution to open source is not a definitive measure of how good a developer is. There are lots of very awesome developers who do not contribute to open source projects.

Finally, yes, you can’t claim to be a developer if you don’t use git or mercurial (CVS and subversion are way outdated). It’s also safe to assume that more than 95% of developers use Github.