A great product is defined by simplicity, accessibility and usefulness.
These three words drive R&D in every organization and probably explains why Technical Development Teams care less about competition.
But at the end of the day, competitive evaluation is important in justifying the resources.
So every time we finish a new version of our app, we have to do this walk.
We usually constitute a team within our company for this, but recently we hired an intern.
Going forward, we are looking to outsource and I will be happy to receive feedback from anybody or startup/organization who would be capable of delivering this or a better competitive technical evaluation where negative feedback will be more appreciated in driving our next phase of development.
Also, If any other startup/company has a soft approach to this, we will be happy to learn. It is not impossible to have a software that pushes competitive evaluation in 2015.
Can you clarify what exactly you want reviewed? Is it your app or your website?
Also, it looks like you’re comparing apps in the financial industry? Is that your benchmark for good apps? Are you competing to be the best app in that sector? What is your definition of “best”?
I am looking for a company, startup or group who can handle development based product app/website reviews.
What you see above is typical what it looks like in deliverables.
If you build apps for hotel services, you have to compare it with other hotel apps. If you build apps for social messaging, you compare it with twitter and facebook, and if its a service like topup above, you compare it with other apps who deliver the same service.
So I am looking for the Best Nigerian App Review team that can do these type of development based reviews as against review aimed at marketing the product.
I am trying not to outsource this on Odesk.