is Open: Kindly Review

Hello My Ogas,

It is me, your Boy.

I warmly implore you to spare some minutes to review our Tech Enabled Real Estate Solutions Platform for Nigerians in Diaspora.

I especially ask that some of you my Ogas that are in Abroad( Overseas, Jand, Ilu Oba, Obodo Oyinbo) to seriously check out what we are trying to do as this product was created specifically for you.

We offer a Pay upon delivery model of helping Nigerians in Diaspora to design, Build, Manage, Verify and Document Residential and Commercial Real estate at any location within Nigeria.

We have created an ecosystem that includes an online construction management portal, FBN Trustees, Meristem Diaspora Trustees and Diamond securities, plus Our inhouse team of Construction Professionals to implement your projects anywhere in Nigeria.

We are insured by Axamansard, our Verification Partner is Omonilelawyer, and You dont pay us until we deliver.

Your boy awaits your questions, comments…and…and…you know leads.

Na the site be this

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throws a 404 pls fix


But its opening over here on my devices?

is whogohost still messing with my site?

kindly check once again, its opening…I checked it via a proxy opener, and it opened

Not working for me either. I’m getting:

Error: Not Found

The requested URL / was not found on this server.

I think it’s a very sound idea.

Kindly try to open it via

I Really have no Idea what may be the reason why you have not been able to open It. I suspect whogohost is acting up.

This is the screen shot as at now…

Please is there any other person apart from my ogas above who has been able to open it?

No dice :unamused:

Kudos, @alpontif.
I think the current pictures of your team does not do you guys enough justice. I don’t think they complement the qualifications in the descriptions.
More :muscle: to you guys.

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been getting feedback about it, will change the pics asap

I simply dont know why this is happening…do you have suggestions?

I came here from my email expecting to find Mr. Eazi.

Site opens fine and value proposition sounds interesting. The design lets it down though. You should probably hit up the people at Devcenter to see if anyone there can hook you up with a more confidence-inspiring website.

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Q: “What’s the website?”
A: “It’s Artisan Nigeria Limited. As in, artisan with a Z, Nigeria as NI, and ltd for limited”

Means you can’t do any voice ads. and wasted half their radio minutes spelling back when they were spending…


Hi Kola,

The business is good and your team looks great.

Please let me know if you are comfortable with a brief discussion on skype?

Few Comments and Questions:

Your “How it works” is currently a nightmare. Can you break it down? i.e. Using different phases

With regards to your team, are they partners or core members of the company?

58 Clients, 6 countries, 203 jobs? Dummy text? Can you show a sample portfolio including locations of the projects you have done?


Yes I am, you can hit me up via @alpontif on skype, or via@artizanni

Yes, the How it works is a NIGHTMARE, we were trying to provide as more info as possible, open to suggestions on how to do this succinctly…

My team are partners.

Dummy text: Yes, the Jobs we have done professionally( 90 percent for Nigerians living in Nigeria, though,) not all of them are building jobs, some are design and consulting.

you can find some of the jobs portfolio here

The 6 Countries are the countries where we have country reps.

but that said, that figure must be changed, it sounded too high to be true.

You have a serious point here, as in Very very life threatening points, what suggestions do you have?..Kindly let me know, because We know we have to do user education on Trustees and Escrow, we do not want to do user education on our brand name.

Chairman sir, long Live the chief…

The design is appalling, If one must say the truth, will definitely follow up on your suggestion and we are also open to more suggestions. resolves just fine, but does not.
You probably need to add a new CNAME record to your DNS config that would resolve to the short name (i.e